In addition to transgender resources outside Canada, this site has specific information on national trans resources as well as listings by Canadian province or territory.
Federal law and policy
Canada has quickly transformed into one of the most progressive countries in the world on gender identity and expression. This is thanks to decades of hard work by activists, legislators, and helping professionals.
Following federal legislation passed in 2016, Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and Quebec all added options for transgender youth who want to change their name and gender designation on legal documents.
Bill C-16 (PDF)
- An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) (
- Change the sex on your passport:
Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) (
- Changer la désignation de sexe dans votre passeport ou document de voyage:
National organizations
Gender Creative Kids/ Enfants transgeneres (
- Canadian Parents of Trans and Gender Diverse Kids/Parents canadiens d’enfants trans is a national, bilingual, confidential peer support group for parents of transgender, two-spirit, gender creative, and gender-questioning children and youth.
Egale (
Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health – CPATH (
- Interdisciplinary professional organization which works to support the health, wellbeing, and dignity of trans and gender diverse people.
Justice Trans (
- Improving access to justice for Two Spirit, trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming (2STNBGN) communities
Trans Youth CAN (
- Completed two-year study of healthcare outcomes for trans and gender diverse youth
United Food and Commercial Workers Union – UFCW (
- The Union Pride section includes a helpful map of publicly-funded trans healthcare by province.
World Professional Association of Transgender Health (
- Member search: Canada
PFLAG Canada (
Resources by province or territory
Those living in the north have options for telemedicine and Northern Health Travel Grants in some cases. Canadians have many surgery options, some of which may be covered by your healthcare services. Contact your healthcare provider for more information.
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Northwest Territories
- Nova Scotia
- Nunavut
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
- Saskatchewan
- Yukon
The historical shift in trans rights for Canadians can be directly traced to the 2015 staffing changes at the conservative gender clinic at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). For nearly 50 years, practitioners at that clinic:
- promoted rigid gatekeeping for trans healthcare
- created diseases to describe trans people and those who love us
- developed a non-affirming model of care for gender diverse children
They turned Toronto into the global epicentre for the academic exploitation of sex and gender minorities. For half a century, they damaged trans people the world over through their influence. It took legislation to remove them from power.
Of the hundreds of people who worked to end CAMH’s devastating impact on trans healthcare, I want to acknowledge Ontario MPP Cheri DiNovo, who helped pass two critical pieces of legislation:
- Bill 33, or Toby’s Law (2012), outlawing discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression
- Bill 77 (2015) banning CAMH-style “therapy” on gender-expansive children
Bill 77 led to the investigation and closure of CAMH’s gender clinic and firing of program head Kenneth Zucker. CAMH now has new affirming policies and staff in place.
In 2019 Canada rejected a federal ban on gender identity change efforts, but according to CBC, some provinces had placed restrictions:
- Ontario has made the practice illegal by initiating an outright ban.
- Manitoba has outlawed health professionals from offering conversion therapy.
- Vancouver has passed a law restricting businesses from offering it.
- Nova Scotia has made it it illegal for health professionals to provide conversion therapy for minors.
In late 2021, the Toronto Sun reported that Bill C-4 banning conversion therapy was given speedy passage. As of 2022, it was a federal crime.

The Canada section of Transgender Map is dedicated to trans activist Kyle Scanlon (1971–2012). Kyle worked at The 519, an important local alternative in Toronto to CAMH’s regressive ideology. Kyle did not live to see the day that his work would help lead to the closure of the worst parts of CAMH’s gender clinic. Rest in power, Kyle.
Mertz, Emily (June 23, 2022). Gender-affirming health coverage by Canadian province, territory. Global News