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Genspect vs. transgender people

Genspect is a group of conservative and anti-transgender activists primarily opposed to medical consensus on healthcare for gender diverse youth. Founder Stella O’Malley is a global ringleader in anti-transgender extremism. Genspect is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Genspect positions include

  • opposing transition for transgender people under 26 years old
  • opposing laws that would ban conversion therapy on the basis of gender identity
  • supporting the disputed diagnosis “rapid onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD)
  • supporting the “parental rights” movement of unsupportive parents of gender diverse youth


Genspect was founded in 2021 by Stella O’Malley.

Genspect is part of an anti-trans web farm that includes:

In 2025, Genspect announced that Jennifer Lahl had stepped down from the Center for Bioethics and Culture to run Genspect USA.



2022 Wall Street Journal response

The president of the 67,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) countered a Wall Street Journal opinion piece by anti-trans activists Julia Mason and Leor Sapir:

AAP advises pediatricians to offer developmentally appropriate care that is oriented toward understanding and appreciating the youth’s gender experience. This care is nonjudgmental, includes families and allows questions and concerns to be raised in a supportive environment. This is what it means to “affirm” a child or teen; it means destigmatizing gender variance and promoting a child’s self-worth. 

O’Malley responded to their response:

I am encouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics’ statement in its letter that gender-affirming care “doesn’t push medical treatments or surgery; for the vast majority of children, it recommends the opposite.” Unfortunately, this is not the experience of families of gender-distressed children.

Genspect represents thousands of parents of gender-questioning children and young people around the world. We are not aware of any cases in the U.S. or Canada in which children seeking “gender-affirming care” were not given the option of puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones.

The AAP should recognizes this fundamental point: There is no consensus and no evidence base on which to confidently declare what is “medically appropriate” for gender transitioning of children.

Media Matters for America has noted how writer Katie J. M. Baker of the New York Times has laundered Genspect’s anti-trans views into their publication:

The latest piece — another entry in the genre of New York Times articles that start from the premise that trans people are perhaps too accepted in society — covers “a network of internet support groups for ‘skeptical’ parents of transgender children, some with thousands of registered members” without noting that the groups are run by Genspect, an organization that opposes bans on conversion therapy and has numerous members who support banning gender-affirming care for trans people under 25. 

April 2023 Ireland conference

O’Malley organized a conference in Ireland on April 27-29 2023 and featuring many anti-transgender activists.

Attendees included Malcolm Clark, Laura Becker, Colin Wright, Wesley Yang, Jo Bartosch, Camille Kiefel, Robin Ion, Sarah Vaci, Corinna Cohn, and Róisín Michaux.

November 2023 Denver conference

Scheduled participants included:

Attendees also included “in_detransit,” “Phil Illy,” “Shape Shifter,” Luka Hein, David Boettger, Julia Malott, Laura Becker, Christina Buttons, Jennifer Block, Pamela Garfield-Jaeger, Jennifer Lahl, Lisa Marchiano, Soren Aldaco, Jessie Mannisto, Leslie Elliott Boyce, and Elliot Kaminetzky.

Australia/New Zealand online event

  • “An anonymous NZ doctor”
  • Joe Burgo
  • Margaret Curnow
  • Alasdair Gunn
  • Sue Middleton
  • Jan Rivers
  • Linde Rose
  • Jillian Spencer
  • Ngahuia te Awekotuku
  • Simon Tegg

September 2024 Lisbon event

Scheduled speakers include


Genspect USA (January 21, 2025). Introducing Genspect USA’s New Director. Genspect

Piper, Ernie (July 25, 2023). ‘Focus relentlessly on under 25’: Leaked chats reveal influential gender-critical group’s plan to use children to push for bans on transitioning. Daily Dot

Szilagyi, Moira (August 21, 2022). Academy of Pediatrics Responds on Trans Treatment for Kids. Wall Street Journal

Drennen, Ari (February 8, 2023). The New York Times helped fuel an anti-trans panic in 2022. Will 2023 be any better? Media Matters for America

Baker, Katie J. M. (January 23, 2023). When Students Change Gender Identity, and Parents Don’t Know. New York Times


Dixon, Hayley (June 26, 2021). CBBC’s trans messaging is damaging children, says motherThe Telegraph


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