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Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network vs. transgender people

The Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network (GCCAN) is a “ex-transgender” organization that seeks to limit trans healthcare options.

“Ex-trans” activists are similar to “ex-gay” activists who claim they have changed. Many claim they were cured via “desistance” (as minors) or “detransition” (as adults).


Lee Leveille was one of the founding members and original Vice President. Leveille describes GCCAN’s founding

In August 2019, a detransitioned family therapist named Carey Callahan put out an organizing call to build bridges between trans and detrans people who had experienced medical trauma. The two of us teamed up with Grace Lidinsky-Smith and Corinna Cohn, where we worked to found an advocacy organization aimed at broadening the discussion on effective transgender-related health care. We also sought to do so without any political allegiance, purposefully maintaining distance from individuals or organizations that could weaponize the group’s message for their own gain. It was, by and large, a patient rights organization meant to be by the people for the people. That December, the group went live under the name Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network, or GCCAN.

Leveille resigned in March 2020 due to “the direction I saw the group going in and what damage it could do to people they claimed to represent.”

Members of the group have gone on to testify in support of banning trans healthcare for young people.



In 2024 the site went offline.


Leveille, Lee (May 19, 2022). My Resignation Letter to Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network (GCCAN). Medium

Leveille, Lee (January 18, 2021). I’m A Trans Person That Helped Found a “Detransition Advocacy” Organization. Medium

Ring, Trudy (May 4, 2021). 60 Minutes Story Focuses on Transition Regret, Gets Slammed. The Advocate

Lidinsky-Smith, Grace (June 25, 2021). There’s No Standard for Care When it Comes to Trans Medicine | Opinion Newsweek


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