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Jaimie Veale and transgender people

Jaimie F. Veale is a New Zealand psychologist who has published on transgender sexuality and other gender-related subjects.


Veale completed a doctorate at Massey University in 2012. Veale then worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, researching the health of Canadian transgender youth.

In 2015 Veale was appointed Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Waikato.

Veale has served on the Board of Directors of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and has served as an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Transgender Health. Veale also helped to establish the University of Waikato Rainbow Staff/Student Alliance. Projects include:

Comments on “autogynephilia”

Veale has attempted to refute Ray Blanchard and the controversial diagnosis of “autogynephilia” by applying Blanchard’s Core Autogynephilia Scale to people who are not trans women. This in effect reified the diagnosis itself, allowing “autogynephilia” activist Anne Lawrence to retort that “Transsexual groups in Veale et al. (2008) are ‘autogynephilic’ and ‘even more autogynephilic.'”

In 2022, Veale and biologist Julia Serano published a paper refuting J. Michael Bailey and Kevin Hsu, who made the claim that “autogynephilia in women” does not exist. Veale and Serano argued that “autogynephilia” is a flawed framework and expanded on Serano’s model of “female embodiment fantasies,”


N Adams, R Pearce, J Veale, A Radix, A Sarkar, D Castro By us and for us: bringing ethics into transgender health research SUNY Press

C Garcia, E Grant, GJ Treharne, H Arahanga-Doyle, MFG Lucassen, … ‘Is it worth potentially dealing with someone who won’t get it?’: LGBTQA+ university students’ perspectives on mental health care Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 55 (1), 32-46

S Bailey, Y Perry, K Tan, J Byrne, TH Polkinghorne, NC Newton, J Veale, … Affirming schools, population-level data, and holistic public health are key to addressing mental ill-health and substance use disparities among gender and sexuality diverse  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 48 (5), 100183

L Hamley, E Kerekere, T Nopera, K Tan, J Byrne, J Veale, T Clark The glue that binds us: The positive relationships between whanaungatanga (belonging), the wellbeing, and identity pride for takatāpui who are trans and non‐binary Health Promotion Journal of Australia

C Horton, R Pearce, J Veale, TC Oakes-Monger, KC Pang, …Child rights in trans healthcare–a call to action International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-8

JL Byrne, K Tan, TH Polkinghorne, A Ker, S Bailey, JF Veale Perceived legal protection and institutional trust predict a lower psychological distress level for transgender people in Aotearoa/New Zealand International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-15

C Garcia, E Grant, GJ Treharne, H Arahanga-Doyle, MFG Lucassen, … ‘We’ll be okay together’: navigating challenges as queer university students in Aotearoa New Zealand Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 19 (2), 190-206

LR Allen, N Adams, C Dodd, D Ehrensaft, L Fraser, M Garcia, S Giordano, … Clarifying our stance on BMI and accessibility in gender-affirming surgery: a commitment to inclusive care and dialogue–a reply to Castle & Klein (2024) International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-4

S González, JF Veale “It’s just a general lack of awareness, that breeds a sense that there isn’t space to talk about our needs”: barriers and facilitators experienced by transgender people … International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-21

LR Allen, N Adams, F Ashley, C Dodd, D Ehrensaft, L Fraser, M Garcia, …Principlism and contemporary ethical considerations for providers of transgender health care International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-19

L Allen, N Adams, F Ashley, C Dodd, D Ehrensaft, L Fraser, M Garcia, … Principlism and Contemporary Ethical Considers in Transgender Health Care

G Parker, A Ker, S Baddock, E Kerekere, J Veale, S Miller “It’s total erasure”: Trans and nonbinary peoples’ experiences of cisnormativity within perinatal care services in Aotearoa New Zealand Women’s Reproductive Health 10 (4), 591-607

S Baddock, S Miller, A Ker, E Kerikeri, J Veale, G Parker O082 A Survey to explore the Knowledge and Education needs of Perinatal Health Professionals to support the Provision of Inclusive Care to Transgender people in Aotearoa New …Sleep Advances: a Journal of the Sleep Research Society 4 (Suppl 1), A33

JF Veale Transgender-related stigma and gender minority stress-related health disparities in Aotearoa New Zealand: hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke … The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific 39

G Parker, S Miller, S Baddock, J Veale, A Ker, E Kerekere Warming the Whare for trans people and whānau in perinatal care Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington

H Thorpe, M Nelson, S Scovel, J Veale Journalists on a journey: Towards responsible media on transgender participation in sport Journalism Studies 24 (9), 1237-1255

A Koehler, J Motmans, L Mulió Alvarez, D Azul, K Badalyan, K Basar, … How the COVID-19 pandemic affects transgender health care-A cross-sectional online survey in 63 upper-middle-income and high-income countries International Journal of Transgender Health 24 (3), 346-359

SB Ahmed, LB Beach, JD Safer, JF Veale, CT Whitley Considerations in the care of transgender persons Nature Reviews Nephrology 19 (6), 360-365

R Carroll, KKH Tan, A Ker, JL Byrne, JF Veale Uptake, experiences and barriers to cervical screening for trans and non‐binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 63 (3), 448-453

KKH Tan, JL Byrne, GJ Treharne, JF Veale Unmet need for gender-affirming care as a social determinant of mental health inequities for transgender youth in Aotearoa/New Zealand Journal of Public Health 45 (2), e225-e233

CL Rytz, LB Beach, N Saad, SM Dumanski, D Collister, AM Newbert, … Improving the inclusion of transgender and nonbinary individuals in the planning, completion, and mobilization of cardiovascular research American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology

JM Serano, JF Veale (2022). Autogynephilia is a flawed framework for understanding female embodiment fantasies: A response to Bailey and Hsu (2022). Archives of Sexual Behavior 52 (2), 473-477 [PDF]

J Veale, JJ Bullock, JL Byrne, M Clunie, T Hamilton, J Horton, …PATHA’s vision for transgender healthcare under the current health reforms New Zealand Medical Association 136 (1574), 24-31

J Fenaughty, K Tan, A Ker, J Veale, P Saxton, M Alansari Sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts for young people in New Zealand: Demographics, types of suggesters, and associations with mental health Journal of youth and adolescence 52 (1), 149-164

KKH Tan, JM Schmidt, SJ Ellis, JF Veale, JL Byrne ‘It’s how the world around you treats you for being trans’: mental health and wellbeing of transgender people in Aotearoa New Zealand Psychology & Sexuality 13 (5), 1109-1121

JF Veale, KKH Tan, JL Byrne Gender identity change efforts faced by trans and nonbinary people in New Zealand: Associations with demographics, family rejection, internalized transphobia, and mental health. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 9 (4), 478

JF Veale, MB Deutsch, AH Devor, LE Kuper, J Motmans, AE Radix, … Setting a research agenda in trans health: An expert assessment of priorities and issues by trans and nonbinary researchers International Journal of Transgender Health 23 (4), 392-408

JL Byrne, KKH Tan, PJ Saxton, RM Bentham, JF Veale PrEP awareness and protective barrier negotiation among transgender people attracted to men in Aotearoa New Zealand Journal of the International AIDS Society 25, e25980

S Zwickl, B Chaplin, F Bisshop, T Cook, CTM Soo, B Birtles, J Veale, … Re: The RANZCP position statement on gender dysphoria Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 56 (10), 1217-1218

GJ Treharne, R Carroll, KKH Tan, JF Veale Supportive interactions with primary care doctors are associated with better mental health among transgender people: results of a nationwide survey in Aotearoa/New Zealand Family practice 39 (5), 834-842

KKH Tan, RJ Watson, JL Byrne, JF Veale Barriers to possessing gender-concordant identity documents are associated with transgender and nonbinary people’s mental health in Aotearoa/New Zealand LGBT health 9 (6), 401-410

E Coleman, AE Radix, WP Bouman, GR Brown, ALC De Vries, … Standards of care for the health of transgender and gender diverse people, version 8 International journal of transgender health 23 (sup1), S1-S259

A Ker, RM Shaw, J Byrne, J Veale Access to fertility preservation for trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand Culture, Health & Sexuality 24 (9), 1273-1288

KKH Tan, A Yee, JF Veale “Being trans intersects with my cultural identity”: Social determinants of mental health among Asian transgender people Transgender Health 7 (4), 329-339

KKH Tan, AB Wilson, JAM Flett, BS Stevenson, JF Veale Mental health of people of diverse genders and sexualities in Aotearoa/New Zealand: findings from the New Zealand Mental Health Monitor Health promotion journal of Australia 33 (3), 580-589

T Hamilton, J Veale Transnormativities: Reterritorializing perceptions and practice Rethinking transgender identities, 124-147

T Hamilton, J Veale Transnormativities Rethinking Transgender Identities

VT Schechter, AC Tishelman, MAA Van Trotsenburg, S Winter, K Ducheny, … Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8

J Fenaughty, A Ker, M Alansari, T Besley, E Kerekere, A Pasley, P Saxton, … Identify survey: community and advocacy report

KKH Tan, R Carroll, GJ Treharne, JL Byrne, J Veale ” I teach them. I have no choice”: experiences of primary care among transgender people in Aotearoa New Zealand.

J Oliphant, D Barnett, J Veale, S Denny, B Farrant The wellbeing and health needs of a cohort of transgender young people accessing specialist medical gender-affirming healthcare in Auckland

KKH Tan, GJ Treharne, SJ Ellis, JM Schmidt, JF Veale Enacted stigma experiences and protective factors are strongly associated with mental health outcomes of transgender people in Aotearoa/New Zealand International journal of transgender health 22 (3), 269-280

JF Veale The Associations of Genital-Normalizing Surgery and Assigned Gender in Predicting Gender Outcomes: A Pooled Nested Case Study Analysis of 282 Adults with Differences of Sex … Urological Science 32 (1), 9-14

H Frohard-Dourlent, E Saewyc, J Veale, T Peter, M MacAulay Conceptualizing gender: Lessons from the Canadian trans youth health survey Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 46 (1), 151-176

KKH Tan, GJ Treharne, SJ Ellis, JM Schmidt, JF Veale Gender minority stress: A critical review Journal of homosexuality

RJ Watson, J Veale Introduction: Transgender youth are strong: Resilience among gender expansive youth worldwide Today’s Transgender Youth, 1-4

BA Clark, JF Veale, M Townsend, H Frohard-Dourlent, E Saewyc 4 Non-binary youth Today’s Transgender Youth: Health, Well-being, and Opportunities for …

BA Clark, JF Veale, M Townsend, H Frohard-Dourlent, E Saewyc Non-binary youth: Access to gender-affirming primary health care Today’s Transgender Youth, 44-55

J Brown, J Schmidt, J Veale Reasons for (in) visibility on the university campus: Experiences of gender, sex and sexuality diverse staff and students New Zealand Sociology 35 (1), 153-175

KKH Tan, SJ Ellis, JM Schmidt, JL Byrne, JF Veale Mental health inequities among transgender people in Aotearoa New Zealand: Findings from the Counting Ourselves Survey International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (8), 2862

RJ Watson, JF Veale, AR Gordon, BA Clark, EM Saewyc Risk and protective factors for transgender youths’ substance use Preventive medicine reports 15, 100905

KKH Tan, JM Schmidt, SJ Ellis, JF Veale Mental Health of Trans and Gender Diverse People in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A Review of the Social Determinants of Inequities. New Zealand Journal of Psychology 48 (2)

J Veale, J Byrne, KKH Tan, S Guy, A Yee, TML Nopera, R Bentham Counting Ourselves: The health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand Transgender Health Research Lab

RJ Watson, JF Veale Today’s Transgender Youth Routledge

WP Bouman Transgender and gender diverse people’s involvement in transgender health research International Journal of Transgenderism 19 (4), 357-358

BA Clark, JF Veale, D Greyson, E Saewyc Primary care access and foregone care: a survey of transgender adolescents and young adults Family practice 35 (3), 302-306

RJ Watson, J Veale Transgender youth are strong: Resilience among gender expansive youth worldwide International Journal of Transgenderism 19 (2), 115-118

J Oliphant, J Veale, J Macdonald, R Carroll, R Johnson, M Harte, … Guidelines for gender affirming healthcare for gender diverse and transgender children, young people and adults in Aotearoa New Zealand Transgender Health Research Lab

JF Veale, T Peter, R Travers, EM Saewyc Enacted stigma, mental health, and protective factors among transgender youth in Canada Transgender health 2 (1), 207-216

N Adams, R Pearce, J Veale, A Radix, D Castro, A Sarkar, KC Thom Guidance and ethical considerations for undertaking transgender health research and institutional review boards adjudicating this research Transgender health 2 (1), 165-175

RJ Watson, JF Veale, EM Saewyc Disordered eating behaviors among transgender youth: Probability profiles from risk and protective factors International journal of eating disorders 50 (5), 515-522

JF Veale Reflections on transgender representation in academic publishing International Journal of Transgenderism 18 (2), 121-122

F Pega, SL Reisner, RL Sell, JF Veale Transgender health: New Zealand’s innovative statistical standard for gender identity American journal of public health 107 (2), 217-221

K Furness, MN Williams, J Veale, DH Gardner Maximising potential: The psychological effects of the youth development programme Project K New Zealand Psychological Society 46 (1), 14-23

JF Veale, RJ Watson, T Peter, EM Saewyc (2017). Mental health disparities among Canadian transgender youth. Journal of Adolescent Health 60 (1), 44-49 265 2017

BA Clark, JF Veale, M Townsend, H Frohard-Dourlent, E Saewyc (2018). Non-binary youth: Access to gender-affirming primary health care. International Journal of Transgenderism 19 (2), 158-169 125 2018

RJ Watson, JF Veale, EM Saewyc (2017). Disordered eating behaviors among transgender youth: Probability profiles from risk and protective factors. International Journal of Eating Disorders 50 (5), 515-522 126 2017

JF Veale, T Peter, R Travers, EM Saewyc (2017). Enacted stigma, mental health, and protective factors among transgender youth in Canada. Transgender Health 2 (1), 207-216 116 2017

N Adams, R Pearce, J Veale, A Radix, D Castro, A Sarkar, KC Thom (2017). Guidance and ethical considerations for undertaking transgender health research and institutional review boards adjudicating this research. Transgender Health 2 (1), 165-175 114 2017

J Veale, EM Saewyc, H Frohard-Dourlent, S Dobson, B Clark (2015). Being safe, being me: Results of the Canadian trans youth health survey. Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC) 146 2015 [PDF]

F Pega, JF Veale (2015). The case for the World Health Organization’s Commission on Social Determinants of Health to address gender identity. American Journal of Public Health 105 (3), e58-e62

Veale JF. Evidence against a typology: a taxometric analysis of the sexuality of male-to-female transsexuals (2014). Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2014 Aug;43(6):1177-86. Epub 2014 Mar 12.

Veale J, Clark DE, Lomax TC (2012). Male-to-female transsexuals’ impressions of Blanchard’s autogynephilia theory. International Journal of Transgenderism. 13 (3): 131–139.

Veale JF, Lomax T, Clarke D (2010). “Identity-Defense Model of Gender-Variant Development”. International Journal of Transgenderism. 12 (3): 125–138.

JF Veale, DE Clarke, TC Lomax (2010). Biological and psychosocial correlates of adult gender-variant identities: A review. Personality and Individual Differences 48 (4), 357-366 93 2010

Veale JF, Clarke DE, Lomax TC (August 2008). Sexuality of male-to-female transsexuals. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 37 (4): 586–597.

JF Veale (2008). Prevalence of transsexualism among New Zealand passport holders. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 42 (10), 887-889 93 2008


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