Chris Skidmore is a graduate student at Northwestern University studying under J. Michael Bailey.
Chris Skidmore
Office: Cresap 225
Phone: (847) 491-4239
Though he has a page dedicated on Bailey’s website, it lists no research interests.
Other students listed are Gerulf Rieger and Elizabeth Latty.
Below: Skidmore as he appears on Bailey’s website.

Gender Nonconformity and Psychological Distress in Lesbians and Gay Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Volume 35, Number 6 / December, 2006
W. Christopher Skidmore, Joan A. W. Linsenmeier and J. Michael Bailey
Some lesbians and gay men tend to be more gender nonconforming, on average and for certain traits, than their heterosexual counterparts. Gender nonconformity in childhood has also been linked to adult homosexuality. Studies of both lesbians and gay men also find elevated rates of psychological distress. We hypothesized that these facts may be related. Individuals who violate social norms for gender-appropriate behavior may suffer from stigmatization by both heterosexual and homosexual people, leading to higher levels of psychological distress. We examined whether several measures of gender nonconformity were related to psychological distress in a community-based sample of gay men and lesbians. These included self-reports of childhood and adulthood gender nonconformity, as well as observer ratings of current behavior. Several measures of gender nonconformity were related to each other for both lesbians and gay men. In addition, gender nonconformity was related to psychological distress, but only for gay men. Finally, both lesbian and gay male participants reported more positive attitudes towards gender conformity than nonconformity, although the pattern was somewhat different for each group. We discuss the implications of these results for future studies of gender nonconformity and for the promotion of psychological health in lesbians and gay men.
29. 03. 2007 ::
:: Sexuality Experiment for Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, and Queer Men
Chris Skidmore
Northwestern University
Your answers are completely confidential, and you won ‘t have to provide identifying information about yourself. People say the study is fun, and it doesn’t take long. You will have a chance to enter to win a gift certificate, too. Men, over the age of 18, wanted for a study about relationships and health (IRB #0108-017). Participation takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes. You will have a chance to win one of three $50 gift certificates if you choose to participate.
Bailey is well known for his work in the field of eugenics.