Mikael Landén is a Swedish psychiatrist and anti-transgender activist.
Anti-transgender activism
Landén was an invited speaker at a 2023 anti-trans conference organized by the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine.
In 2024, Landen leaked a pre-publication paper by Sallie Baxendale to anti-trans activist Bernard Lane. Baxendale’s paper reflected Landén’s view that puberty blockade should be strictly controlled because of unknown risks, particularly cognitive effects.
Lane, Bernard (January 17, 2024). Evidently correct: New support for brain studies: the WHO steers clear of paediatric transition. Gender Clinic News https://www.genderclinicnews.com/p/evidently-correct
Ludvigsson, J. F., Adolfsson, J., Höistad, M., Rydelius, P., Kriström, B., & Landén, M. (2023). A systematic review of hormone treatment for children with gender dysphoria and recommendations for research. In Acta Paediatrica (Vol. 112, Issue 11, pp. 2279–2292). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1111/apa.16791
Karolinska Institutet (staff.ki.se)
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