The Advocate is a prominent publication for sex and gender minorities founded in 1967. Below are some of the matters relevant to this project.
The Man Who Would Be Queen

The Man Who Would Be Queen
The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism
J. Michael Bailey
“…fascinating revelations…a scientific yet superbly compassionate exposition.” — Kirkus Reviews
“Recommended reading for anyone interested in the study of gender identity and sexual orientation…. It is written, however, in a style that makes it easily easily accessible to any reader.” — Out Magazine
256pp., 6″ x 8.5″
ISBN 0-309-08418-0
To order: Call toll-free 1-888-624-7651 or
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Joesph Henry Press an imprint of The National Academies Press • 888-624-7651
Calpernia Addams and I called up the Editor that day and got a perspective piece printed in the next available edition. After reading the book, he assured us the ad would not run again.
There’s work to do. For example: J. Michael Bailey, a professor who claims to be a friend of our community, has just put out a very defamatory book. In The Man Who Would Be Queen, he links transsexual women to The Silence of the Lambs and notes that we work as “strippers and prostitutes, as well as in many other occupations.” Because we believe in fighting unjust media depictions wherever we find them, we took time from our other projects to address and counter this insidious book.
Joseph Henry Press (June 10, 2003). [ad for The Man Who Would Be Queen]. The Advocate
Addams C, James A (July 22, 2003). Transformations. The Advocate.