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Scott Newgent and transgender people

Scott Newgent is a conservative American transgender activist critical of healthcare protocols for trans and gender diverse youth. Newgent also has regret about personal surgical outcomes and complications. Newgent is best known for appearing in the transphobic Matt Walsh project What Is a Woman? and has been affiliated with extremist group Gays Against Groomers.


According to self-reports, Thomas Scott Newgent was born in Tucson on November 6, 1972 to Scott and Cindy King (other sources give November 10). In several recent interviews, Newgent referred to previously living under the name Kellie Ellen King. Newgent attended Missouri State University before earning a bachelor’s degree from Middle Tennessee State University in 1994. Newgent worked in sales. Newgent is reportedly a parent to three, including giving birth to a set of twins; their names are Joshua, Julia, and Justice. Newgent has listed over 30 different places in eight states as residences:

  • Indiana: Kendallville, South Bend, Fort Wayne
  • Texas: Rockwall, Ben Wheeler, Fort Worth, Dallas, Denton
  • Kansas: Olathe, Overland Park
  • Washington: Spokane, Port Angeles
  • Idaho: Post Falls
  • Oregon: Deadwood
  • Tennessee: Murfreesboro, Antioch
  • California: San Diego, Jamul, El Cajon

As is common with people who move this frequently, Newgent has a criminal history that includes serving a sentence relating to a court order in 2019.

Gender transition

Newgent reportedly began transition in 2016 but applied for a legal name and gender change in Texas in 2015. This took longer than usual because the court needed Newgent’s certification of criminal history record information, which Newgent’s lawyer supplied on November 2, 2015.

Newgent is dissatisfied with the reported seven surgeries, claiming that medical complications include:

  • a massive pulmonary embolism
  • a helicopter life-flight ride
  • an emergency ambulance ride
  • a stress-induced heart attack
  • sepsis
  • a 17-month recurring infection due to “using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty”
  • 16 rounds of antibiotics
  • three weeks of daily IV antibiotics
  • the loss of all my hair
  • (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery
  • permanent lung and heart damage
  • a cut bladder
  • insomnia-induced hallucinations
  • frequent loss of consciousness “due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra” (“six inches” of it)
  • a form of PTSD “that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year”

Newgent would transition again, but differently. Newgent says transition came with many costs, including “home, car, savings, career, wife, medical insurance, and most importantly his faith within himself and God.”


During the COVID pandemic in 2020, Newgent founded Indiana for-profit company TRans Educational Voices (TReVoices), a group that opposes “radical gender activism.” Newgent claims the medical and pharmaceutical industries are pushing children to transition medically.

Newgent has appeared on or been featured by many conservative outlets, including Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Preston Sprinkle, GBNews, Plebity, Indie Thinker, Benjamin Boyce, Candace Owens, Madeleine Kearns, National Review, UpperhandMARS, and The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network (Jennifer Lahl).

In 2023, Newgent briefly claimed to be done with anti-transgender activism and deleted some online presence. In 2024, Newgent self-published an autobiography titled THE LESBIAN DEVIL TO THE STRAIGHT MAN SAINT: – A trip through trans HELL & back!

Trans Regretters

In 2024 Newgent redirected the site TReVoices to a new site called Trans Regretters. The site listed several people with regret about aspects of their medical transitions:


Myers, Ashlyn (March 21, 2023). Emotions stir the House before committee’s approval of bill banning gender-affirming care.

Markowicz, Karol (June 12, 2022). ‘What is a woman?’ exposes the lunacy of pro-trans extremism. The New York Post

[uncredited] (Dec 18, 2021). Meet Scott Newgent. Gender Dysphoria Alliance

Kearns, Madeleine (January 28, 2021). A Trans Person Speaks Out against Biden’s Transgender Activism. National Review [alt title: A Trans Campaigner Speaks Out against Biden’s Transgender Activism]

Kearns, Madeleine (February 13, 2020). The Cowardly Republicans of South Dakota. National Review

Publications by Newgent

Newgent, Scott (2024), THE LESBIAN DEVIL TO THE STRAIGHT MAN SAINT: – A trip through trans HELL & back! #SCREAMLouder Publishing, ISBN ‎979-8895463376

Newgent, Scott (December 16, 2023). Opinion: I’m working to save children from my deepest regret: gender-affirming medical transition. Dallas Morning News

Newgent Scott (May 12, 2023). Scott Newgent, TReVoices [2023 Maine LD1735 (Summary) An Act to Safeguard Gender-affirming Health Care.]

Newgent, Scott (April 19, 2021). Bill C-6 needs more nuance: Conversion therapy is wrong, but pushing kids to transition medically is
worse. [Testimony to Canada Senate]

Newgent, Scott (February 9, 2021). Opinion: We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know. Newsweek

Newgent, Scott (October 20, 2020). Opinon | Trans activist: Serious concern over child re-assignment surgery. The Catholic Weekly


Tammi Faraday (December 11, 2023). Scott Newgent – The Truth About Transitioning Children from a Transman (S06E03). Brave Journeys

Tamara Ugolini (October 23, 2023). Transman Scott Newgent fights to save children from the harms of medical transition. Rebel News

(October 16, 2023). Transition Tensions: Scott Newgent’s Stand on Childhood Choices. Become your own Superhero podcast

Robert Scott Bell (August 3, 2023). Special Guest Scott Newgent The Robert Scott Bell Podcast Network

Matt Walsh (June 10, 2023). What is a Woman? Reunion. The Matt Walsh Show

Jay Fantom (April 24, 2023). Scott Newgent Unboxing | Becoming Trans Ruined My Life. The Story Box

Jen Hardy (July 6, 2022). “What is a Woman” star Scott Newgent tells about the side-effects from medically transitioning, and their affect on kids. Fabulous Over 50

Bryce Eddy (October 13, 2022). Scott Newgent | Stop Mutilating Children | Liberty Station Ep 141. Godspeak Calvary Chapel

Allie Beth Stuckey (October 4, 2023). Ep 884 | Sex Change Regret: Why the Surgeries Never Work | Guest: Scott Newgent. Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

Andrew Doyle (April 30, 2023). Trans man who says he REGRETS his transition says medically transitioning is just cosmetic surgery. Free Speech Nation / GBNews

Nana Akua (Apr 1, 2023). Transgender man says he REGRETS his transition | ‘It’s cosmetic surgery, it doesn’t fix anything.’ GBNews

Ben Shapiro (December 10, 2022). Transgender Male Exposes the Horrors of Gender Reassignment Surgery. The Ben Shapiro Show Daily Wire

Candace Owens (Sep 24, 2022). Perez Hilton and Candace Owens Discuss Parenting and Gender Dysphoria in Children. [Scott Newgent guest]. Taboo with Candace Owens Podcast

Sandra Currie, Rose Medina (June 29, 2022) Scott Newgent Founder of TRevoices. An American Conversation Podcast™

Michael Brown (March 22, 2022). A Female-to-Male Transgender Shouts a Warning About Transitioning Children. The Line of Fire

Aaron Kimberly and Aaron Terrell (August 26, 2021). Measuring Medical Transition Outcomes with Kenneth Pirie and Scott Newgent. Transparency

Aaron Kimberly and Aaron Terrell (August 26, 2021). Autogynephilia with Kenneth Pirie and Scott Newgent. Transparency

Laval, Mary (13th July 2021). Scott Newgent of TReVoices in conversation with Stella O’Malley. Genspect

Reed Uberman (August 16, 2021). Ep. 31- The Truth About Medically Transitioning Kids | Guest Scott Newgent. Indie Thinker with Reed Uberman

Jennifer Lahl (August 8, 2021). Scott Newgent on his permanent ban from Twitter. The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network

Preston Sprinkle (July 1, 2021). #880 – A Transman’s Unexpected Thoughts on Trans* Related Issues: Scott Newgent. Theology in the Raw

Dan Crenshaw (March 5, 2021). Let’s Talk About Transgenderism, with Scott Newgent. Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw

Mars Fernandez (September 8, 2020). BROmance with Buck Angel & Scott. UpperhandMARS [deleted]

Benjamin Boyce (July 27, 2020). 257 | Children’s Rights, Trans Realities with Scott Newgent. Calmversations

Jennifer Lahl (March 31, 2020). Podcast #015: Scott Newgent. Venus Rising

Mars Fernandez (August 30, 2019). Phalloplasty gone wrong with Scott Newgent. UpperhandMARS [deleted]


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TRans Educational Voices: TReVoices ( [archive]

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