reddit is a social network of communities focused on different topics (subreddits).
Supportive subreddits
A wide range of subreddits offer information and support for sex and gender minorities.
Mainly positive/affirming groups include:
- r/transgender (general news and commentary)
- r/TransWiki
- r/asktransgender (Q&A)
- r/TransDIY
- r/transpositive (uplifting)
- r/transtimelines (transition results)
- r/Transgender_Surgeries (surgical results)
- r/MtF (transfeminine topics)
- r/ftm (transmasculine topics)
- r/TransSpace (general news and commentary)
- r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns (humor – inactive as of 2023)
- r/genderfluid (genderfluid)
- r/nonbinary (nonbinary)
I have created maps of subreddits for a number of underserved communities. These include nonnbinary people as well as the eunuch, “sissy,” “tomboy,” and salmacian communities, among others.
Toxic subreddits
Before the platform took decisive action, reddit was the social media service of choice for the “gender critical” anti-transgender movement.
Many subreddits contained anti-trans content but were not dedicated solely to transphobic hate. In some cases, like r/moderatepolitics, the moderators have banned discussions of “Gender Identity and the Transgender Experience.”
The following subreddits have had significant amounts of anti-transgender content:
- r/politics
- r/TwoXChromosomes
- r/PoliticalHumor
- r/Drama (moved to to avoid ban)
- r/TheMotte (moved to to avoid ban)
- r/BlockedAndReported (trans topics heavily moderated)
- r/KotakuInAction (trans topics heavily moderated)
- r/stupidpol (“we have implemented a moratorium on discussion of transgender issues”)
- r/TumblrInAction (banned)
- r/ChapoTrapHouse (banned)
- r/CringeAnarchy (banned)
- r/The_Donald (banned)
Other banned anti-trans subreddits
These were specifically targeting trans and gender diverse people. Many were recreated at voat, SaidIt, Ovarit, 4W,, Raddle, Throat, Lemmy, etc.
- /r/actualwomen
- /r/antikink
- /r/antipornography
- /r/Anti_Prostitution
- /r/Ask_Radical_Feminists
- /r/cance11ed
- /r/cisprivilegeisalie
- /r/feminist_videos
- /r/feministspirituality
- /r/GCdebatesQT
- /r/GenderCriticalGuys
- /r/GenderCynicalCritical
- /r/gender_detox
- /r/goodnewsforwomen
- /r/LibFemExposed
- /r/MenWinningWomensSport
- /r/nametheproblem
- /r/RadFemMothering
- /r/Radical_Feminists
- /r/reconcilingwomyn
- /r/terfisaslur
- /r/thisneverhappens
- /r/transgenderkids
- /r/TrollGC
- /r/WomensHerstory
- r/ItsAFetish
- r/TrueLesbians
- r/GCDebatesQT
- r/ActualWomen
- r/TERFIsASlur
- r/GenderCriticalGuys
- r/GenderCritLesbians
- r/LGBDropTheT
- r/DropTheT
- r/TrollGC
- r/ActuallyNotLesbians
- r/ThisNeverHappens
- r/BecauseTrans
- r/CisPrivilegeIsALie
- r/TransgenderKids
- r/GenderCriticalTheory
- r/GC_WoC
- r/GenderCynicalCritical
- r/ThereAreTwoGenders
- r/GenderCritical
- r/Tranny_Holocaust
- r/TrannyInsanity
- r/trannytown
- r/transaids
- r/transfags
- r/TransFragility
- r/transgender_hate
- r/Trans_fags
- r/Transrights
- r/TrannyJannieTaskForce
- r/TransgenderismExposed
- r/2fuckinggenders
- r/anti_tranny
- r/askatranny
- r/average_tranny