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Jennifer Dellasega vs. transgender people

Jennifer Dellasega is an American anti-transgender activist. She is a co-founder of Partners for Ethical Care (PEC), an American anti-transgender front group. They are part of the “parental rights” faction of anti-transgender activists.

Anti-trans activism

According to Krohn’s testimony:

We found out our daughter was being socially transitioned by her elementary school teacher and therapist when she was in 5th grade at 10/11 years old. The therapist and teacher were using male pronouns and a new made up name. This was something my child was trying on like a teen would have tried a style like punk or goth in years past. The problem is that it’s hard to get out of once they go down this road, for many reasons, not the least of which are the adults who are encouraging them.


We removed our daughter’s access to the internet and took her out of public school and found her a therapist who explored with our daughter what might be causing her discomfort. she is now comfortable knowing she is a girl. The exploratory therapist worked in partnership with us and treated us as a whole family unit. Our daughter is now happy and flourishing and we are stronger and closer as a family. If we had not removed our daughter from all of the influences that were affirming her as a boy at age 10 or 11, she could likely have gone down the path of medicalization. I believe school and medical and mental health professionals would have encouraged it. I have learned that I cannot trust these blindly-affirming professionals with my daughter’s medical and mental well-being.


Dellasega, Jennifer (March 20, 2023). Testimony opposing House Bill 2002.