Jennifer Bilek is an American writer and anti-transgender extremist. Bilek hosts The 11th Hour podcast and site.
Bilek was a scheduled participant in a 2017 panel that claimed transgender people are “a homophobic element introduced by the 1% to control homosexuality, reinstate male supremacy, and utilize gay children as fodder for scientific experimentation.”
Jennifer Bilek was born on October 22, 1958 and grew up in New York City. Bilek trained at Woodstock School of Art. Bilek has worked as a hairstylist for children and young people as the businesses Get Coiffed and My Little Sunshine.
Bilek also paints portraits.
Anti-trans activism
In 2017, left-wing conference Left Forum announced that Jane Wheeler (under the name Jane Chotard) would chair a June 4th panel titled “Misery for Profit: Who is Funding the Transgender Movement and the Impact on LGB.” The synopsis stated:
We will be showing that the immense funding funneled to the transgender movement is coming from giant pharmaceutical and biotechnology Industries and what their aim is. We will also be showing how the corporately controlled media is interfaced with these same Industries and are blocking any alternative to the pro-trans propaganda now being disseminated. We will be showing that the transgender movement is not in fact a civil rights issue, but a business arrangement and an advertising arm of these industries. We will cover the implications of this on the LGB community and show how transgender is a political coup, positioned as an ally alongside the LGB, but are actually a homophobic element introduced by the 1% to control homosexuality, reinstate male supremacy, and utilize gay children as fodder for scientific experimentation.
Left Forum, cited in Riedel (2017)
Participants and provided bios:
- Jane Chotard: Chair and speaker
- “Jane Chotard is an out lesbian for over 30 years, mother of two teenage boys, past healthcare attorney, currently works to provide better care services to patients and residents facing serious illnesses and end-of-life issues.”
- Jennifer Bilek: Panel organizer and speaker
- “Jennifer Bilek is a bisexual artist/activist/writer living in NYC for a lot longer than is probably healthy.”
- Taylor Fogarty: Speaker
- “Taylor Fogarty is a Brooklyn dwelling twenty-something year old who writes about feminism and politics.” Twitter: @theloudlesbian
The panel was canceled following protests.
Van Maren, Jonathon (March 16, 2024). How a Handful of Billionaires Created the Transgender ‘Movement’: An Interview with Jennifer Bilek. The European Conservative
Bilek, Jennifer (March 3, 2023). Humanity for Sale. The American Mind
Bilek, Jennifer (June 14, 2022). The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI). Tablet
Bilek, Jennifer (June 1, 2021). Foundations Are Setting the Transgender Agenda and Targeting Children. The American Conservative
Bilek, Jennifer (April 5, 2021). CNN Versus Biological Reality. The American Conservative
Bilek, Jennifer (July 27, 2020). How LGBT Nonprofits and Their Billionaire Patrons Are Reshaping the World. The American Conservative
Bilek, Jennifer (October 9, 2020). Not Just a Tattoo: Transgenderism Attacks Our Fundamental Humanity. The American Conservative
Malbin, Isabella (December 17, 2020). Jennifer Bilek: Transhumanism & Autogynephilia. Whose Body Is It
Bilek, Jennifer (January 21, 2020). The billionaires behind the LGBT movement. First Things
Riedel, Sam (July 7, 2017). Why Trans Activists Can’t Trust The Left. The Establishment
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