William J. Malone is an American endocrinologist and anti-transgender activist. Malone is active in various “gender critical” organizations, including:
- Co-founder of SPLC-designated anti-trans hate group Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM)
- ReThink Identity Medicine Ethics (ReIME)
- Anti-trans fringe group American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds)
- Appeared in 2023 anti-trans propaganda film No Way Back: The Reality of Gender Affirming Care
- Contributor to anti-trans blog 4thWaveNow
William J. “Will” Malone was born in July 1977. Malone earned a bachelor’s degree from Stanford and a medical degree from NYU Grossman School of Medicine in 2003. After completing a residency in internal medicine at University of Southern California/LACUSC Medical Center in 2006, Malone completed a fellowship in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism in 2008.
Malone practices medicine in Idaho and is affiliated with St. Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center. Malone has been licensed in New York, California, and Idaho.
Anti-trans activism
Malone is critical of current medical consensus about trans healthcare for minors:
Dr. William Malone, an adolescent and adult endocrinologist from Twin Falls, said he wasn’t taking a position for or against the bill, but spoke critically of the prescribing of hormones to children for gender issues. Malone acknowledged that national physician organizations support the treatments in question, but he said those societies, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, have been “ideologically captured.”
In 2022, Malone said:
Dr. William Malone, an advisor to [SEGM], said the new study appears to reinforce concerns “that early social gender transition may cement a young person’s transgender identity, and lead minors on the path to eventual medicalization, with all its inherent risks and uncertainties.’’
Tanner, Lindsey (May 4, 2022). Transgender kids tend to maintain their identities as they grow up, study suggests. AP/PBS https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/transgender-kids-tend-to-maintain-their-identities-as-they-grow-up-study-suggests
Russell, Betsy Z. (March 4, 2022). House panel backs bill to make trans youth treatment a felony. Idaho Press https://www.idahopress.com/news/local/house-panel-backs-bill-to-make-trans-youth-treatment-a-felony/article_aa6bb977-5b03-5a44-9284-c6b8d994b2b1.html alt url https://www.idahostatejournal.com/news/local/idaho-house-panel-backs-bill-to-make-trans-youth-treatment-a-felony/article_1779aa0e-3e47-5383-8dca-89d2f902ed0c.html
Staff report (February 18, 2022). SEGM – Gender affirmation model of care lacks evidence base. Canadian Gender Report https://genderreport.ca/segm-gender-affirming-care/
Ault, Alicia (November 18, 2021). Transgender Docs Warn About Gender-Affirmative Care for Youth. Medscape https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/963269#vp_4
Selected anti-trans work by Malone
Malone WJ, Hruz PW, Mason JW, Beck S (2021). Letter to the Editor from William J. Malone et al: “Proper Care of Transgender and Gender-diverse Persons in the Setting of Proposed Discrimination: A Policy Perspective”. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 01 Jul 2021, 106(8):e3287-e3288 https://doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgab205
- [response to] Walch A, Davidge-Pitts, Lopez X, Tangpricha V, Iwamoto SJ, Safer JD (2021). Proper Care of Transgender and Gender Diverse Persons in the Setting of Proposed Discrimination: A Policy Perspective. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2021 Jan 23;106(2):305-308. https://doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgaa816
- [response to Malone et al. by original authors] Walch A, Davidge-Pitts, Lopez X, Tangpricha V, Iwamoto SJ, Safer JD (2021). Response to Letter to the Editor from Malone: “Proper Care of Transgender and Gender Diverse Persons in the Setting of Proposed Discrimination: A Policy Perspective”. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 01 Jul 2021, 106(8):e3295-e3296 https://doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgab206
Malone, William J. (November 2020). Gender Dysphoria Resource For Providers 3rd Edition. Scribd https://www.scribd.com/document/421298610/Gender-Dysphoria-Resource-for-Providers-3rd-Edition
Malone, William J,; Wright, Colin (August 19, 2019). No Child is Born in the Wrong Body … and other thoughts on the concept of gender identity. 4thWaveNow https://4thwavenow.com/2019/08/19/no-child-is-born-in-the-wrong-body-and-other-thoughts-on-the-concept-of-gender-identity/
Laidlaw MK, Van Meter QL, Hruz PW, Van Mol A, Malone WJ (2019). Letter to the Editor: “Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 104, Issue 3, March 2019, Pages 686–687, https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2018-01925
Truth Is the New Hate Speech (Jan 20, 2025 ). Dr. William Malone-Endocrinologist, The Harms of Medical Transition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW023I0jo1c [from February 07, 2023 testimony on Idaho House Bill 71] https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2023/standingcommittees/230207_hjud_0130PM-Minutes.pdf
No Way Back (February 5, 2023). Dr. Will Malone: Statistical Numbers for Girls Reporting ‘Gender Dysphoria.’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQss6yf7P7Q
Benjamin Boyce (May 17, 2021). Update on the Hormone Health Crisis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dfE84njX24
Sasha Ayad and Stella O’Malley (Jan 8, 2021). Episode 5: Hormonal Interventions From Fringe to Mainstream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOD7Nuwltf0
David Crowe (July 23, 2019). The Infectious Myth – Medical Dangers of Affirmative Care for Gender Dysphoria, with William Malone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6jSiW2L8ek
The Progressive Radio Network (July 23, 2019). The Infectious Myth – Medical Dangers of Affirmative Care for Gender Dysphoria, with William Malone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6jSiW2L8ek
Benjamin Boyce (July 12, 2019). The Hormone Health Crisis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4RYl75zdMY
Trans Data Library (transdatalibrary.org)
- William J. Malone
- transdatalibrary.org/person/william-j-malone/
X/Twitter (x.com)
Muck Rack (muckrack.com)
Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics (rethinkime.org)
- Advisory Board
- rethinkime.org/advisory-board [archive]
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