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Saoirse Connolly vs. transgender people

Saoirse Connolly is an Irish anti-transgender activist. Connolly is affiliated with anti-trans group Genspect.


Connolly was born in ~1996 and attended National University of Ireland Galway. Connolly was involved in IMPACTE Society, later renamed CUMAS Society, “a fun social space for students with disabilities and their allies. Cumas Society supports the Hybrid Model of disability activism which combines the medical and social models.”

Anti-transgender activism

Gender Critical female │ Women’s rights activist │ Disability activist

A classmate created a motion to deplatform campus speakers from fascist and far-right organizations. Connolly objected because the organizations listed included anti-trans groups LGB Alliance Ireland, Irish Women’s Lobby, and Radicailín.

All this talk about deconstructing sex really is just nonsense. Predatory men can use the idea that “woman” is just a feeling to completely degrade and dehumanize the female experience. It’s so calculated and I feel that they feed into these theories to serve their own interests. That’s especially true in the academy. […] If you have preferences about who you want to date, that isn’t allowed. You have to bury any feelings of discomfort deep deep down to even survive in that movement. They’re disconnected from their instincts.


Linden, Sinéad (April 17, 2021). Inside The Male Feminist Scandal Tearing Apart an Irish University. 4W


Connolly has attempted to delete most online activity.

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