When someone sends me a letter or article that I feel is worth sharing with others, I add them here. I also have a special section of younger voices with thoughts from others who did this in their teens or early twenties.
Please note that I do not necessarily agree with these opinions, but I present them here because I believe they raise important points to consider.
What I did right [archive]
- Thoughts from a reader who has recently finished most physical aspects of transition.
Confidence [archive]
- Great suggestions on building self-esteem.
Low pay and transition [archive]
- Some good suggestions for those who feel the money pinch.
Kim’s work transition [archive]
- A good piece on how things might go, and why sticking it out can get tough.
Tatt4Trannies [archive]
- A great sendup of sites that gouge the TG community.
Everybody’s Free (To Start Electrolysis) [archive]
- A lighthearted collection of great observations and excellent advice.
Reasons [archive]
- A nice essay from someone who’s in the middle of transition as she writes.
The 7DS Theory of Transsexuality [archive]
- An excellent counterpoint to a certain attempt to explain motivation for transition.
The DIANATI [archive]
- A wickedly funny riff on the COGIATI gender test.
So You Want to be a T-Girl [archive]
- A 2004 reality check by Miss Fiorella for those who think of this as a sexualized fantasy.
Life after you’re “done” [archive]
- A beautiful piece on life after the physical aspects of transition are completed.
The Cycle of Change [archive]
- An excellent overview of issues surrounding coming out.
FAQs about transsexuality [archive]
- A nice piece written to help co-workers understand.
Mid-20’s observations [archive]
- A short piece by someone who’s recently gone full-time.
How lies affect spouses of TGs [archive]
- From a woman who was deeply hurt by her ex-spouse.
Sex identity [archive]
- A long but interesting article on trans issues from a social worker who transitioned.
Making it [archive]
- From someone who got through the tough part.
Immigrants [archive]
- An empowering piece by a reader.
The T-Word [archive]
- An editorial on the long-running debate about definitions.
Exhibit closed [archive]
- An essay on stealth, dating, and long-term transition.