SaidIt is a social media platform created as an alternative to reddit. After many “gender critical” users and groups were banned on reddit for anti-transgender hate speech, some of those banned users moved to SaidIt.
SaidIt claims it has less censorship than reddit and claims to be “one of the safe havens for truth seekers, alt-historians, and conspirophiles in an increasingly globally thoughtpoliced state.” It is a toxic online community and a service of choice for online anti-transgender content.

SaidIt was founded in 2017.
- magnora7 (Texas)
- d3rr (California)
- TheAmeliaMay (Arkansas) aka conservative transgender woman Amelia May Johnson [resigned]
Anti-trans subsaidits
- detrans (ex-transgender movement)
- FEBfems (bi women separatism from trans and gender diverse people)
- gayagenda
- GCdebatesQT (gender critical debates queer/trans)
- GenderCritical
- Gender_Critical
- GenderCriticalGuys
- Get The L Out (lesbian separatism from trans and gender diverse people)
- Its A Fetish (“autogynephilia” and other alleged sex diseases)
- Lesbians (lesbian separatism from trans and gender diverse people)
- LGB (lesbian/gay/bi separatism from trans and gender diverse people)
- LGBDroptheT (lesbian/gay/bi separatism from trans and gender diverse people)
- Sex
- SuperStraight
- therearetwogenders
- TheseAreNotOurCrimes
- thisneverhappens (crimes involving transgender people)
- Troll_GC (anti-transgender memes)
- TrollGC2 (anti-transgender memes)
SaidIt subreddit

In the past, when the domain was shut down, the domain would sometimes redirect to the SaidIt subreddit (r/saiditnet). Calculating the Jaccard index of posts, participants on the SaidIt subreddit accrete into five reddit community clusters:
- reddit critics
- RedditAlternatives
- RedditCensorship
- conspiracists
- Conspiracyundone
- anti-porn / separatist lesbians
- LesBiGay
- FightFemaleErasure
- nametheproblem
- LesbianDating Strategy
- ThePinkPills
- substance use / dependence
- crippling alcoholism [CA]
- OutlandishAlcoholics
- IsCrashAlive
- drug use [Pharma]
- PharmacoGreen
- PharmaShopsLegal
- KamagraGreen
- crippling alcoholism [CA]
- Axis/Nazi fans
- ConservativeWW2
- RebuttalTime
- Wehradudes
- BlockedAndReported fans
- IntellectualDarkWeb
- slatestarcodex
- ShitLibSafari
JasonCarswell (8 December 2018 ff.). SaidIt. Infogalactic.
Greg Carlwood (July 8, 2017). “Magnora7 | The Rothschild World Order & The Ownership of Everything” The Higherside Chats
Sam Tripoli (January 11, 2018). “#60: The Rothschild with Magnora7” Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli
Sam Tripoli (August 27, 2018). “#119 The Return of Magnora 7” Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli
Greg Carlwood (August 31, 2018). “Magnora7 | Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, & The Suicide String Conspiracy” The Higherside Chats
SaidIt (
reddit (