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“Michael Malice” / Michael Krechmer vs. transgender people

“Michael Malice” is the stage name of Michael Krechmer, a Ukrainian-American podcaster and troll who frequently platforms conservative and anti-transgender guests.


Michael Schock Krechmer was born on July 12, 1976 in Lviv. Krechmer’s family came to the US about two years later, settling in New York City.

In 2000, Krechmer co-founded the blog Overheard in New York.

Anti-transgender activism

In 2017, Krechmer began hosting the podcast Your Welcome. Conservative and ati-trans guests include:


Pekar, Harvey (2006). Ego & Hubris: The Michael Malice Story. Ballantine, ISBN 978-0345479396

Malice, Michael (2019). The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics. St. Martin’s Press, ISBN 9781250154668.


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