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‘Lesbian and Gay News’ vs. transgender people

Lesbian and Gay News was an anti-transgender publocation in operation from February 2021 to March 2023.


Merrywell London Ltd. and BM Payments Services Limited

Many readers will know that LGN came into being as a result of its editor, David Bridle, who is also the owner of Boyz magazine, tweeting a request that asked people to give LGB Alliance a fair hearing before coming to a judgement about them.

“The censorious groupthink of a LGBTQIA+ mindset has closed down wider discussion and investigation. It has closed down much responsible lesbian and gay current affairs and commentary. But now we hope Lesbian and Gay News will help resurrect that journalism.”

“The constituency of GC LGB activists is still small, and there was no way we were going to be able to flourish unless LGB Alliance kept us in the loop, continued to actively promote us, and regularly provided us with information and material to publish relating to their activities and planned activities. As time progressed, it became clear that we were overwhelmingly being kept at arm’s length – notwithstanding some tokenistic gestures that fell far short of what we needed.”


The following people had bylines or were cited or reprinted in LGN:

  • Lynn Alderson
  • Peter Daly
  • James Dreyfus
  • Yr Alarch Du
  • Kay Knight
  • Alan McManus
  • Gary Powell
  • Gareth Roberts
  • James Roberts
  • Sarah Tanburn


“Mia Hughes” (November 21, 2021). A guide to peaking the woke.

(March 27, 2022). Announcement from the LGN Management Team: Lesbian and Gay News is closing


Lesbian and Gay News ( [archive]

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