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Josh Seiter vs. transgender people

Josh Seiter aka “Andrew Dean” and “Colin Tanner” is an American sex worker, hoaxer, and anti-transgender activist.

Seiter began to display increasingly erratic attention-seeking behavior following the death of parent Henry John Seiter, Jr. in 2021.

  • In 2021, Seiter claimed to be pansexual.
  • In 2023, Seiter claimed to be bisexual during Pride Month, later claiming an announced engagement to “David” ended. Seiter’s sibling disputed these claims about being pan/bi.
  • In 2023, Seiter claimed to be “currently the most followed suicide prevention specialist on Instagram.” 
  • In 2023, Seiter reportedly claimed to have a “son” who doesn’t exist.
  • In 2023, Seiter claimed to be starting a porn career, but has not performed with any other performers.
  • In 2023, Seiter denied being in a relationship with transgender Drag Race star Monica Beverly Hillz, who provided extensive evidence.
  • In 2023, Seiter posted a death hoax, later claiming to have been hacked.
  • In 2024, Seiter unconvincingly claimed to be transgender for months, later claiming it was a “social experiment.”
  • In 2025, Seiter posted another death hoax, later claiming it was “to get the harassment to stop.”

Seiter was assisted in the transgender hoax through coverage by several anti-trans outlets.

Independently verifiable facts

Joshua Andrew Seiter was born on August 18, 1987 to Karen Frankel Seiter (born 1953) and Henry John Seiter, Jr. (1954–2021). Seiter has two siblings, Israel (born 1981) and Stephen (born 1984).

Seiter earned a bachelor’s degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2009.

Seiter worked as a stripper starting in 2012, later joining Dreamboys Chicago, a male stripper revue.

Seiter earned a law degree in 2013. In 2015, Staci Zaretsky reported, “We did some digging and found out that Seiter is a 2013 graduate of the IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. We also looked him up on the Illinois ARDC site, and discovered that he’s not licensed as a lawyer.”

Seiter was a contestant on the E! reality show Escape Club in 2014 and on The Bachelorette in 2015.

In 2019 Seiter self-published a memoir titled Ball Drop under the pen name “Colin Tanner.” One Amazon reviewer wrote: “To label this as a memoir is flat out embarrassing. Instead of writing a crappy book, the author should have seeked out counseling. Not only for his insecurities but his uncertainty on his sexuality, which is mainly what the entire book is about. Waste of money, waste of time.”

On May 22, 2020, Seiter was arrested in Chenoa, Illinois for aggravated speeding in a construction zone. Seiter was going at least 35 miles an hour above the posted speed limit.

Unverified claims

Seiter has claimed to be a lifelong crossdresser who reportedly started wearing parent Karen’s dresses and jewelry at age seven when both parents were out of the house.

Seiter claims to have grown up homeschooled in a conservative Christian household in Urbana, Illinois. Seiter claimed of the experience, “Homeschooling stunts your ability to socialize, empathize and sympathize.” Seiter has identified as Jewish as an adult.

Seiter claimed, “I had attempted suicide when I was a teenager. I put a rope in our garage, and I stuck my head through it. I was going to do it, but I didn’t do it.”

Seiter claimed, “I always knew as an early teen I was different sexually,” adding “I suffer with depression, GAD [generalized anxiety disorder], and OCD [obsessive-compulsive disorder].”

Seiter claimed, “So when I was about fifteen, I think just the isolation of being homeschooled, growing up in a strict religious family, it all kind of manifested and I have a lot of anxiety and depression, and I started seeing a counselor for that.”

Seiter claimed to have joined Carroll Fire Protection District as a firefighter from June 2007 to September 2008.

Seiter claimed that “when I was in college, I just underwent kind of like a dramatic experience where I ended up getting hospitalized and you know, kind of committed for a while.” 

Seiter claimed to have undergone electroshock therapy at age 21.

Seiter claimed to have never taken the bar exam after law school: “I had plans to take the Bar exam, but then dancing took off so much and it became so lucrative, that I decided to stick with entertainment. I put the Bar exam on hold. Obviously, if I ever decide to give up the entertainment industry, I would like to pursue the Bar exam.”

Seiter claimed to make over $2,000 a night as a Cowboys 4 Angels escort.

In 2015 Seiter claimed to be affiliated with Las Vegas-based Men of the Strip, later adding, “I was hoping to be a member of Men of the Strip, but it never materialized. However, we did go on a Midwest tour.”

Seiter claimed to be developing a docu-series with MTV, chronicling the stripper revue Dreamboys Chicago with Dino Vulpitta.

The Bachelorette

In 2015, Seiter was a contestant on season 11 of The Bachelorette. After being eliminated on the second episode, Seiter claimed that contestants are coached and that producers “forced” Seiter to strip for bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe. Seiter claimed that producers pick who gets sent home every week: “Kaitlyn may collaborate with them, but they make the final decision.”

Seiter claimed a scheduled 2016 Windy City Live appearance got cancelled after ABC contacted the show and Seiter’s manager to say the appearance would breach the Bachelorette contract.

Sexuality claims

Seiter claims to have been romantically linked to a number of reality show contestants, apparently feeding stories to bottom-of-the-barrel “celebrity” gossip outlets. Many have described Seiter as a “clout chaser.”

  • In 2020, Seiter claimed to have proposed to Yolanda Leak from 90 Day Fiancé
  • In 2021, Seiter was linked to Lizzie Kommes from Love After Lockup
  • In 2022, Seiter claimed to be in an online relationship with Cássia Tavares from 90 Day Fiancé
  • In 2022, Seiter claimed to be interested in dating Christine Brown from Sister Wives
  • In 2023, Seiter was linked to Sadie Glorietta Besos Clark from Love After Lockup
  • In 2023, Seiter reportedly wanted to date Amy Slaton from 1000-lb Sisters. Slaton responded, “Stop being a weird stalker. You are a clout chaser.”
  • In 2023, Seiter was linked to Rosemarie Vega from 90 Day Fiancé
  • In 2023, Seiter was linked to Yve Arellano from 90 Day Fiancé
  • In 2023, Seiter was reportedly contacted by Natalie Mordovtseva from 90 Day Fiancé, who asked about being cast on The Bachelorette
  • In 2023, Seiter claimed to be in an open relationship with “Jennifer”
  • In 2023, Seiter was linked to Karine Staehle Martins from 90 Day Fiancé
  • In 2023, Seiter claimed to have not been romantically involved with transgender Drag Race contestant Monica Beverly Hillz, who confirmed they were in a relationship.
  • In 2024, Seiter claimed to be engaged to a woman for a few days in November before deleting the post.

2023 alleged engagement to “David”

In May 2023, Seiter claimed to be in “a romantic relationship I’ve developed with a close male friend.” Seiter claimed to have been dating an exotic dancer named David off and on since November 2022:

“I don’t like labels and I don’t like being put into tiny boxes or categories. I would say I identify as Pansexual. I love everybody equally regardless of gender. And I can exclusively reveal to Tv Shows Ace that I am seeing a guy now and things are going really well. I’ve had a lot of disastrous relationships with women lately and I am excited to finally be in a healthy relationship.”

Seiter claimed that David proposed marriage on June 11, 2023 at the home of Seiter’s parents:

“It’s not a typical love story. I quit dancing in 2017, so I took a four-year hiatus. Then shortly after Covid restrictions went away in 2021, I joined America’s Loverboys for a couple of big shows a year they wanted me to headline. But that was about the end of it. Then last year, I started dancing more with them. That’s how I met David. He’s also a dancer with them, he’s their in-house cowboy. We met through work, through dancing and spending a lot of time together on the road. It’s kind of like law school and bootcamp in a really weird way, in that dancing is so unique, and so many people can’t empathize what what dancers deal with, or kind of that lifestyle. Because of that, the people you’re in it with become very, very close to you, and you form these bonds that I think are atypical of most bonds you would form on the outside world. That was definitely responsible for all of us within the group becoming closer, because we’re on the road together, we’re touring together, we’re dancing together, living together. That’s how I met him.”

In June 2023 Seiter claimed to be planning for an adult film career. Seiter claimed, “I am open to shooting with anybody. Gender identity and sexual orientation does not matter to me. My mindset is nothing is off the table. I want to shoot with everyone.”

Seiter’s sibling disputed these claims in July 2023, saying Seiter has been with someone named Jennifer since 2019:

“He is not bisexual in the least and is 100% straight. In fact, he has a long-term girlfriend,” the social media influencer’s sibling tells In Touch of Josh, who announced his split from his partner David last month. “She lives in Chicago with him and she comes to all of our family gatherings. He last showed up with her just a few weeks ago at the same time he and David were supposedly engaged.” 

Josh Seiter refuted the sibling’s comments, claiming to be “75% straight and 25% other”:

“I have only been with her since May of 2021 and it was an open relationship,… A lot of what is being alleged is in fact true. Some is not. I cannot elaborate further at this time.”

2023 relationship with Monica Beverly Hillz

Anti-trans sexologist John Money described how deeply conflicted and closeted people like J. Edgar Hoover and Roy Cohn behaved:

The absolute antithesis of homophobia and homophilia in this malignant form of bisexuality takes its toll in self-sabotage and the sabotage of others. Self-sabotage is an ever-present threat that materializes if there is a leakage of information from those in one antithetical world to those in the other. […]

The sabotage of others is carried out professionally by some individuals with the syndrome of malignant bisexualism. Their internal homophobic war against their own homosexuality becomes externalized into a war against homosexuality in others. The malignant bisexual becomes a secret agent, living in his own private and secret homosexual world, while spying on its inhabitants, entrapping them, assaulting and killing them, or, with less overt violence, preaching against them, legislating against them, or judicially depriving them of the right to exist.

In August 2023, Seiter began dating trans Drag Race star Monica Beverly Hillz. On August 22, 2003, Seiter sent Hillz this breakup message:

“Hey hun, I’m sorry, but I’m not good. My grandpa passed away this morning in his sleep. Heading to the airport now, my life is in shambles, and I can’t give you the time and dedication you deserve. Let’s remain friends. Thank you for being amazing.”

Seiter has since denied they were in a relationship.

2023 death hoax

A week after the breakup with Monica Beverly Hillz, on August 28, 2023, Seiter posted a hoax eulogy to Instagram:

It is with an extremely heavy heart that we share the tragic news of Joshua’s unexpected passing. As all who knew him can attest, Joshua was an incredibly bright light in an increasingly dim world. His fearless voice and indomitable spirit helped thousands of people in their darkest moments feel just a little less alone. Although our heartache at Joshua’s passing pains us beyond measure, we find comfort in knowing that he is finally at peace. We hope and pray that his spirit can continue to live on in the pictures and words on this page, which we will leave up for the time being. While we do that, we would kindly ask for privacy as we grieve. For anybody who is experiencing a mental health crisis and needs help, the 988 SMS Lifeline provides 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress, as well as prevention and crisis resources.

Monica Beverly Hillz was one of many who speculated that Seiter posted the hoax. After briefly claiming the account had been hacked, Seiter claimed to be checking into a mental health facility:

“I can’t take any more and am logging off of social media for good and am checking myself into a wellness facility now to try to get some kind of a handle on my mental health. I am losing my phone in the next hour.” 

Seiter later claimed to have created the hoax before deleting the confession:

“I was the one who was behind my own death statement. Last year was one of the most agonizing times of my existence. I couldn’t handle the pressures of life, including the passing of the one man I was closest to, my father. I was ready to bring it all to an end, and was fully prepared to do so, with the tool I had chosen nearby. I wrote my own eulogy because I did not want to put that added pressure onto my mother, given what she was about to endure. I posted the eulogy with the full intention of no longer being here… it was my suicide note. Thankfully, fate had other plans that day. I want to apologize now for the hurt and confusion I caused when I was broken and at my lowest. For everyone’s sake, including my own, I’m thankful I am still here.” 


Seiter started an OnlyFans in 2018. In 2023 Seiter claimed:

“I also do have an OnlyFans that I started in 2018 that, for some reason I don’t know why, is successful and I’ve done very well at that. So that helps pay the bills, but it’s not fulfilling. It doesn’t give me a sense of purpose. So my mental health work is kind of what grounds me and is what I find a sense of meaning and purpose in my day-to-day life.”

Conservative journalist Sarah Fields reviewed Seiter’s troubling OnlyFans:

“Yesterday, I took one for the team and subscribed to Josh Seiter’s Only Fans account. I had never done this before, and I don’t plan on ever doing it again unless it’s to investigate for another article. I scrolled through every post. And after taking an evening to get rid of the nausea I have felt from it all, this is what I discovered.

[…] Just a few moments of scrolling started to show a journey of someone who is absolutely not OK.

[…] 2021 and on, Seiter’s OF becomes much more disturbing. Photos show that he gained a large amount of weight. And in his videos, he can be seen pushing his stomach out in an unnatural way, almost appearing pregnant. He rubs and slaps his belly, and in some videos can be seen digging deep into his belly button with his fingers while clearly being turned on by his own actions.

[…] Josh Seiter is a mentally unwell man who simply loves the attention. He is not a “troll king”. This was not a plan to “expose the ridiculousness of the trans agenda”. It’s his own clown show. And many fell for it.”

2024 transgender hoax

Seiter has claimed to be a crossdresser since childhood.

Seiter has sold Warrior silkies and Josh Seiter Thigh Huggers, a clothing brand that sells “ranger panties, silkies, yum yums, and short shorts.” Seiter said that the floral panties were “designed for all genders, with a guarantee to make your 🍑🍑 pop.”

In 2023, Seiter attempted to generate headlines by claiming connections to convicted murderer Gypsy-Rose Blanchard-Anderson, star of Lifetime’s Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up. In response, Blanchard’s husband Ryan Scott Anderson alluded to Seiter’s rumored crossdressing in a message to Seiter: “What kind of bullshit are you spewing you worthless panty wearing douchebag.”

Following the 2023 death hoax, Seiter expressed support for trans rights:

“Things that should be taken seriously, like climate change, mental health, trans rights, LGBTQ rights, they’re not taken seriously by a large part of the population, and so they mock it and they make fun of it because they don’t understand it.

On May 20, 2024, Seiter announced a gender transition:

Dear Warriors,

I have struggled with my gender identity – & resulting feelings of guilt and shame – for as long as I can remember. I spent the last three decades taking great pains to keep this side of me private. I felt I had no choice, given my upbringing in a strictly religious, conservative family. As I have gotten older, I have tried my hardest to project the expected image of a strong, masculine son and brother. However, I no longer want to hide who I am, and I no longer want to deal with the mental turmoil that comes with suppressing such an important part of me. So, I ask for your thoughts and prayers – and patience – as I transition. I know it will take time for everyone, including myself, to adjust. I simply ask that you accept me now, just as you did before. I love you all. – J. 

Seiter received hundreds of supportive replies to the post.

Although Seiter claimed to have started using hormones, it was clear very quickly that Seiter was engaging in a hoax as rage bait and clout chasing. Seiter began peddling the story to anti-trans media figures for use in their their own outrage bait.

In September 2024, Alex Stein confirmed to anti-trans activist Rita Panahi that Seiter was perpetrating a hoax for attention:

[Stein]: Josh is playing a character. But Josh is doing a very good job in my opinion showing how absurd it is that people can identify as a girl for five minutes and start to use the women’s restroom. So you know, I like what Josh is doing, trying to expose that a lot of these trans people that are just trying to play a caricature.

[Panahi]: You are sure it’s not real?

[Stein]: Yes, I am 100%– yes, I know this. I know Josh is just yanking our chain as they say here in America. It is totally an act. Josh is not an idiot when it comes to going viral, and Josh is getting a lot of attention. And that viral fame can be addicting, which is why I think that why Josh has doubled down and is continuing to play this character.

As the attention started to wane, Seiter began appearing in blackface and claiming a transracial identity. Seiter later claimed to have become a Muslim woman.

2025 death hoax

In 2025, Seiter posted another death hoax on Instagram and X:

On the morning of February 18th Josh was found unresponsive in the pool of his hotel suite in Monterrey, Mexico. Paramedics arrived to discover Josh in cardiac arrest. We are unsure of the cause of this event at this time, and will continue to update the public as we receive new information….The Team

Later posts claimed Seiter was deceased and gave the location and date for a planned service.

Josh was found unresponsive in his hotel room in Mexico early this morning. He was pronounced deceased by hospital staff a short time later. We will update the public with more details in the coming days.

On February 23, Seiter posted:

A celebration of life for Josh will be held at Clear Lake Park in Seabrook, Texas this Tuesday from 2-4 pm. The celebration will be open to the public.

On March 5, Seiter confirmed it was a hoax:

Due to being doxxed in November, Josh had to endure thousands of threatening texts and phone calls over the last three months, as well as complete strangers showing up at his home at random, putting his safety and his family’s safety at risk. In the end, his team was forced to take the drastic step of convincing the public he had passed away in order to get the harassment to stop. Josh has spent the last few weeks detoxing from his social media abd focusing on his mental health and well-being.

Seiter’s conservative supporters

For the next five months, Seiter’s trolling was covered by many anti-trans activists as well as some conservative trans people who saw through the hoax:

On October 15, 2024, Seiter returned to BlazeTV to claim to Alex Stein that the transition was a hoax, saying, “For the last five months I’ve been conducting a social experiment online to expose how gullible and how delusional the left is.”

When asked about all the clout chasing allegations, Seiter said:

“If people think I’m a clout chaser or did this for ulterior motives, I would say, Why don’t you question the men going into women’s bathrooms? Why don’t you question the men getting transferred to women’s prisons and committing violent rapes and impregnating women prisoners under the guise of being trans women? Why don’t you question those people, because we are dealing with palpable real harm there?”

Responses and analysis

Ari Drennan commented: “can’t believe he exposed the left for being kind and non-judgemental. what will he take from us next?”
Matt Bernstein commented: “he pretended to be trans online for six months and liberals left kind comments and conservatives left cruel comments. groundbreaking thanks josh”

Video essayist Kat Blaque summarized the prevailing view in the trans community that Seiter is a trans-attracted crossdresser:

When I look at Josh Seiter, when I look at his outfits, when I look at the way he put himself together, even the thoughtfulness about his shoulder line and stuff like that, it’s giving crossdresser.

[…] It may shock you initially that somebody who previously dated a transgender woman would do a hoax like this, where he essentially invalidated her gender.

[…] It is unfortunately incredibly common for men who are attracted to transgender women to hate transgender women. And the reason I bring up him most likely being a cross-dresser is because in my experience with a lot of cross-dressers who pursue me, they they have this tendency to compare themselves to the transgender women that they are pursuing.

[…] Sometimes hypermasculine men who are very interested in maintaining and curating an image of masculinity really get off in a very sexual way on the idea of them being crossdressed and the idea of them being feminine. I don’t wanna say anything negative about crossdressers. Not all crossdressers feel this way, but for a lot of crossdressers the process of wearing women’s clothing is degrading.

[…] For a lot of these men, femininity is inherently degrading. And as I talk about in my previous video, a lot of these more conservative men who fetishize transgender women, they really get off on this idea of a transgender women’s femininity being something that is presented and curated for their pleasure. And that’s just an extension of their misogyny in general.

[…] Crossdressers, because they tend to have these very black-and-white views of gender, he probably does crossdress but still feels like he’s a man. And because he gets turned on by it, he assumes that this is the way all transgender women must feel.

[…] Oftentimes when I rejected men who are crossdressers, we have this argument where “I’m not really a woman. I’m just wearing clothes. I’m just putting on make up. I’m just doing this performance. It’s not real. It’s not valid.” But at their core, these are men who are conflicted. These are men who are very much struggling with their identity as men. And in truth, the reason why they end up turning their ire towards transgender women specifically is frankly because in their mind, a transgender woman is the very embodiment of what degradation would look like if it was on them.

And so for a lot of these men, what they want more than anything is to feel powerful and feel like they are not in the position of a transgender woman. But they will frequently conflate trans women’s experiences with their experiences.

When I look at people like Josh Seiter, I can tell that they rely desperately on these structures of heterosexism and heteronormativity and cisnormativity in order to feel better about themselves. To me, when I watch some of his videos, it’s very obvious to me that Josh Seiter is someone living in some degree of self-denial. And because he’s living in self-denial, he has to look at people like myself who have very publicly, very comfortably lived in a happy way within their bodies and say, “No, no, no, there’s something wrong with you,” because that just makes him feel just a little bit better about himself. 

Several “autogynephilia” activists, including Ray Alex Williams and “Phil Illy,” claimed that Seiter was one of them.


Grzeszczuk, Marta (October 19, 2024). Josh Seiter’s controversial ‘social experiment’ sparks outrage. Daily Wrap / MSN

Staff report (October 17, 2024). Reality TV’s Josh Seiter Causes Uproar with Transition Hoax.

Donnellan, Sara (October 16, 2024), Bachelor Nation’s Josh Seiter Says He Pretended to Be Transgender as an ‘Experiment.’ Us Weekly

Hansford, Amelia (October 16, 2024). Bachelorette star’s trans ‘hoax’ isn’t just pointless, it’s also just weird. PinkNews

Rettenmund, Matthew (October 16, 2024). Josh Seiter, A Real Piece Of Shit, Spent FIVE MONTHS Pretending (Badly) To Be Trans … For What? Boy Culture

McCormack, Caitlin (October 16, 2024). Former ‘Bachelorette’ star claims he pretended to be transgender as social experiment: ‘Expose how gullible and delusional the left is.’ New York Post

Bois, Paul (October 16, 2024). ‘Bachelorette’ Star Josh Seiter Says He Faked Transgenderism to Expose ‘Gullible and Delusional’ Woke Left. Breitbart News

Peterson, J (October 15, 2024). ‘Transgender’ Bachelorette star Josh Seiter admits his gender transition was a ‘social experiment to expose woke culture.’ Daily Mail

Barry, Ben (September 1, 2024). Former ‘Bachelorette’ star Josh Seiter describes ‘abuse’ since coming out as trans: ‘I fear for my safety.’ SWNS / New York Post

Hunter, Heather (June 26, 2024). Comedian balks at transgender Bachelorette star: ‘I know it’s a gimmick.’ Washington Examiner

Jacob, Binitha (June 15, 2024). Bachelorette Star Accused Of Faking Gender Transition For Attention, Says “Most Are Just Jealous” Of Looks. Bored Panda

Peterson, J (June 12, 2024). Bachelorette star Josh Seiter is accused of FAKING her gender transition for attention after death hoax scandal – but she says trolls are just jealous of her beautiful looks. Daily Mail

Davis, Andrew (October 23, 2023). Former ‘Bachelorette’ contestant Josh Seiter talks bisexuality, mental health. Windy City Times

Stillman, Andrew J. (September 26, 2023). Bachelorette Alum Josh Seiter Checks Into Mental Health Facility Following Death Hoax. Out

Staff report (August 30, 2023). ‘Bachelorette’ Star Josh Seiter Checks into Mental Health Facility Month After Alleged Instagram Death Hoax. TMZ

Nolfi, Joey; Sederholm, Jillian (August 31, 2023). Deleted Josh Seiter posts appear to confirm relationship with Monica Beverly Hillz after claiming ‘she’s not my ex.’ Entertainment Weekly

Staff report (August 30, 2023). ‘Bachelorette’ Star Josh Seiter Here’s My Side of Fake Death Saga …Correcting it Wasn’t My Priority. TMZ

Madani, Doha (August 29, 2023). Former ‘Bachelorette’ contestant Josh Seiter says hacker posted false death report to InstagramNBC News

Nolfi, Joey (August 29, 2023). Josh Seiter ex, Drag Race star Monica Beverly Hillz, alleges he faked death: ‘I’m baffled, I’m angry.’ Entertainment Weekly

Staff report (August 29, 2023). ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant Josh Seiter is Actually Alive Despite Death Statement. TMZ

Ring, Trudy (August 29, 2023). Josh Seiter, Bi ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant, Has Died at 36. The Advocate

Zee, Michaela (August 28, 2023). Despite Reported Death, Josh Seiter Is Alive: ‘My Account Was Hacked’ (Updated). Variety [originally titled “Josh Seiter, Former ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant, Dies at 36.”]

Staff report (August 28, 2023). ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant Dead at 36 …Days After Posting About Depression & Anxiety. TMZ

Ermac, Raffy (August 28, 2023). Bachelorette star Josh Seiter dead at 36. Out [later revised with headline UPDATE: Bachelorette Star Josh Seiter Not Dead, Says Instagram Account Was Hacked]

Reimer, Alex (June 12, 2023). EXCLUSIVE: Freshly out former ‘Bachelorette’ contestant Josh Seiter just got engaged to fellow male exotic dancer. Queerty

Dupuis, Adam (June 3, 2023). Exclusive: Bachelorette’s Josh Seiter Opens Up About Being Bisexual. Instinct

Robinson, Mandy (May 25, 2023). Exclusive: Josh Seiter Reveals New Boyfriend, Pics. TV Shows Ace

Schaffstall, Katherine (April 27, 2023). Gypsy Rose Blancharde Slams Bachelorette’s Josh Seiter’s Flirty Email: ‘I Am a Married Woman.’ In Touch

Nathani, Neha (April 10,, 2023). Bachelorette: What Job Josh Seiter Does For A Living In 2023. Screen Rant

Pisano, Maryann (January 8, 2023). Former ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant Josh Seiter: “I Want People To Know That They’re Not Alone.” Emme

Renner-Wikoff Chapel & Crematory (August 10, 2021). Henry John Seiter.

Renner-Wikoff Chapel & Crematory (April 5, 2021). Marvin Frankel

Travieso, Mistydawn (March 3, 2021). The Bachelorette’s Josh Seiter and Lizzie Kommes From Love After Lockup – True Love Or Clout Chasing? Daily Soap Dish

Papadatos, Markos (November 11, 2020). ‘The Bachelorette’ alum Josh Seiter talks engagement, depression (Includes interview). Digital Journal

City of Chenoa (May 27, 2020). Police Department Weekly Arrests Report.

Swartz, Traci (April 6, 2019 ). Eliminated ‘Bachelorette’ contestant: Producers coached me. Chicago Tribune

Swartz, Traci (April 6, 2019 ). Spoiler: how 3 Chicagoland Bachelorettes Fare. Chicago Tribune

Roca, Teresa (June 19, 2017). Special Report: Sex, Booze & Fakery — The REAL STORY Behind TV’s The Bachelor. Radar

Papadatos, Markos (August 8, 2016). Josh Seiter talks ‘Dreamboys Chicago,’ MTV network, 98 Degrees (Includes interview). Digital Journal

Staff report (February 12, 2016). ‘Bachelorette’ Star Josh Seiter: Trash Talking the Show Got Me Blackballed. TMZ

Papadatos, Markos (June, 2015). Interview: Josh Seiter from ‘Men of the Strip’ opens up (Includes interview). Digital Journal

Phillips, Cheryl (April 22, 2015). ‘Bachelorette’ Star Josh Seiter: Male Stripper, Paid Escort Is No Stranger To Reality TV. Inquisitr

Austin, Amanda (June 14, 2015). Kaitlyn Bristowe Final Two Men Rigged: Josh Seiter Claims The Bachelorette 2015 Fixed and Phoney. Celeb Dirty Laundry

Bacchiocchi, Gina (June 11, 2015). Bye, Kaitlyn! ‘Bachelorette’ Stripper Josh Seiter To Appear In Las Vegas Male Revue, Reality Show. Radar

Pisano, Maryann (June 8, 2015). The Bachelorette’s Josh Seiter Talks His Future with Men of the Strip. Emme

Swartz, Traci (May 20, 2015). Eliminated ‘Bachelorette’ contestant: Producers coached me. Chicago Tribune

Zaretsky, Staci (May 19, 2015). Grad/Exotic Dancer/Gigolo Takes The Main Stage On ‘The Bachelorette.’ Above the Law

Pomarico, Nicole (May 18, 2015). This ‘Bach’ Contestant Is Actually A Male Stripper. Bustle

Jevens, Darel (May 12, 2015). Chicago guy strips down to his tats on ‘The Bachelorette.’

Staff report (October 14, 2014). ‘Escape Club’ Star — Lawyer By Day … Gigolo By Night. TMZ

IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law (September 12, 2011). An afternoon with Justice Stephen G. Breyer.


Alex Novell (November 30, 2024). I tricked Josh Seiter into an interview with The Daily Wire.–pS52J804 original url (removed by YouTube, reuploaded December 6)

Kat Blacque (October 26, 2024). Josh Seiter’s Fetish Was NOT A Social Experiment.

Alexis Blake (October 20, 2024). JOSH SEITER is NOT TRANS – the GRIFT is over!!

MrMenno (October 20, 2024). From fake trans to fake TERF ally? Another Josh Seiter stunt?

The Offensive Tranny (October 19, 2024). “This Is Why I Faked Being Trans” Reacting To Josh Seiter.

The Comments Section with Brett Cooper (Oct 17, 2024). This Man Pretended to Be Trans for 6 Months

Jack Jewell October 16, 2024). Has Josh Seiter Changed the Gender Debate FOREVER?

Buck Angel (October 16, 2024). Josh Seiter “It was a Satire on Trans Ideology” -Buck U: LIVE

Sara Gonzales Unfiltered (October 16, 2024). ‘The Bachelorette’s’ Josh Seiter: Masterplan That EXPOSED the Delusional Left!

Buck Angel (October 7, 2024). “Women Should Get Prostate Exams.” Trans Grifter Josh Seiter.

Rachael (Oct 9, 2024). Is Josh Seiter FAKING? Chat About It, Don’t Shout About It

The Panic Button (September 2, 2024). Josh Seiter: Trans or Troll?

Alexis Blake (July 29, 2024). Is Josh Seiter even TRANS? | Trans Woman REACTS.

Tim Pool (September 14, 2024). TV Star Josh Seiter Is Now A WOMAN, But Everyone Says It’s An Act.

Rita Panahi (September 9, 2024). ‘It is totally an act’: Alex Stein on former ‘Bachelorette’ star Josh Seiter. Sky News

Failure To Lunch (Aug 15, 2024). Man FAKES his own d*ath then pretends to be transgender?!?!?

Brett Cooper (August 16, 2024). Josh Seiter Faked his Death. Controversial Debates

Maria Witlof (Jul 12, 2024). Trans or Troll? Josh Seiter, the gig is up!

Lolcow Enterprise (July 11, 2024). Josh Seiter | The Attention Seeking Transgender.

Prime Time with Alex Stein (October 15, 2024). Trans ‘Bachelorette’ Star Josh Seiter’s BIG REVEAL Live! | Ep 248

Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti (August 31, 2023). A Conversation with Josh Seiter. The Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast


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