Ellen Pasternack is a British biologist, sex segregationist, science communicator, and anti-transgender activist.
Ellen Pasternack attended University of Oxford, earning a bachelor’s degree in 2016, a master’s degree in 2017, and a doctorate in 2023. Pasternack’s birthing parent’s background is German and Ashkenazi.
Pasternack has written for The Critic, UnHerd, New Statesman, The Specator, The Telegraph, CapX, and Works in Progress.
Anti-transgender activism
Pasternack’s activism around trans people emerged in 2018, when Pasternack was upset that the Oxford University Student Union uninvited Jenni Murray in the wake of Murray’s 2017 anti-trans column, “Be trans, be proud — but don’t call yourself a “real woman.”
In 2022 Fiona MacKenzie, Louise Perry, Olivia Robey, and Pasternack joined forces for The OH Research Ltd d/b/a The Other Half, a UK nonprofit researching “practical, workable policy in the interests of women.”
Pasternack, Ellen (May 5, 2022). You can’t be born in the wrong body. UnHerd https://unherd.com/2022/05/you-cant-be-born-in-the-wrong-body/
Pasternack, Ellen (May 3, 2023). Here’s why human sex is binary. UnHerd https://unherd.com/thepost/heres-why-human-sex-is-binary/
Pasternack, Ellen (June 14, 2022). Being ‘intersex’ isn’t that common. https://unherd.com/thepost/is-the-trans-lobby-manipulating-science/
Wheater, Emily; Pasternack, Ellen (November 2020). Transitioning to a medical scandal. The Critic https://thecritic.co.uk/issues/november-2020/transitioning-to-a-medical-scandal/
Pasternack, Ellen (22 September, 2021). “No debate” no longer an option. The Critic https://thecritic.co.uk/no-debate-no-longer-an-option/
Pasternack, Ellen (November 2020). Written evidence submitted by Ms Ellen Pasternack (GRA1406) https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/17525/pdf/
Pasternack, Ellen (February 28, 2023). The uncomfortable truths of Hag feminism. The New Statesman https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/books/2023/02/uncomfortable-truths-hag-feminism
Weebly (weebly.com)
Substack (substack.com)
The Other Half (theotherhalf.uk)
Muck Rack (muckrack.com)
X/Twitter (x.com)
Medium (medium.com)
LinkedIn (linkedin.com)