In 2018, Benjamin A. Boyce began a series of interviews with other anti-transender, conservative, and ex-trans figures. The show is alternately called “Calmversations” or “The Boyce of Reason.” Despite the show’s relaxed tone, Boyce’s guests are often strident critics of progressive aspects of the trans rights movement.
See this episode list for details.
The guest list below is still being organized and updated.
- Andrius
- Brette & Anna (parent and child)
- Erin Brewer
- Carey Callahan
- Chiara Caignon-Lewis of Pique Resilience Project
- Ciel/CielNestPasVert
- Chloe Cole
- Chris
- Dagny Walton of Pique Resilience Project
- Daisy Chadra
- Dominic Lauren
- Erin Friday (parent of ex-trans child)
- Exulansic
- Finley
- Grace
- Garrett
- Helena Kerschner/Lacroicsz of Pique Resilience Project
- Isaac
- Issa Ismail
- Jesse Hinty of Pique Resilience Project
- Jenni
- Camille Kiefel
- Laura
- KC Miller
- Leoaica Motanelul
- Michelle/somenuancepls
- NJada
- Chris Ostrowski
- Prisha Mosley
- Rachel
- E. Ransom
- Ria
- Robin/niwatori_dt
- Sarah Elizhar
- Tascatorials
- Theo/XXinv9
- Torren
- Tullip / Ritchie
- Veera
- Brian W/BriWagon
- Waffling Willow
- Watson
- Wheston Chancellor Grove (author)
Conservative sex and gender minorities / transmedicalists
- Erica Anderson
- Buck Angel
- Ben Appel
- Asha Britt (aka Kinesis/Kinysis/Alex/GC_Ladyboi/Sulaco_Queen/”A Gender Critical Trans Individual”/”Last LadyBoi StarFighter”)
- Donovan Cleckley
- Corinna Cohn
- Maritza Cummings
- Amazon Eve
- Kalvin Garrah
- Claire Graham (identifies as intersex)
- Debbie Hayton
- Katie Herzog (cultural critic)
- “Phil Illy” / Phil Hutchinson
- Isaac/CryptoCluniac
- Ashlee Kelly/Rose of Dawn
- Zander Keig
- Aaron Kimberly
- Sean Lindsey
- Robynne M.
- Rhys McKavanagh
- Scott Newgent
- Nick Schappaugh / Naxela2
- Taftaj
- Aaron Terrell
- Blaire White
- Miranda Yardley
- Belissa Cohen (LGB separatist)
- Carrie Hathorn (LGB separatist)
Gender critical feminists and activists
- Meghan Murphy
- Kara Dansky
- Ani O’Brien
- Denise from 4thWaveNow
- Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull / Posie Parker
- Mary Harrington
- Ella Washington (gender critical activist)
- Arielle Scarcella
- “Angus Fox” aka Alasdair Gunn
- Stella O’Malley
- Stephanie Davies-Arai
- Heather Brunskell-Evans
- Julie Bindel
- Jellybean Gen
- ⚢ GNC-Centric ⚢
- Mia Hughes /_CryMiaRiver
- Maya Forstater
- Christina Buttons
- Eliza Mondegreen
- Zach Elliot
- Cynthia Breheny
- Joseph Burgo
Parental rights
- “ROGD Mom”
Artists and entertainers
- Nina Paley (filmmaker)
- Graham Linehan (entertainer)
Gender critical people in other areas of public life
- Oren Amitay (psychology)
- Sasha Ayad (counselor)
- Ray Blanchard (psychology)
- James Cantor (psychology)
- Nina Power (philosophy)
- “Katherine Dee” / Katherine Delaney
- Marcus Evans
- Genevieve Gluck
- Heather Heying (biology)
- Carole Hooven (biology)
- Julie Jaman & Amy Sousa
- Jane Clare Jones (philosophy)
- Jennifer Krohn (Partners for Ethical Care)
- Lisa Littman (medicine/public health)
- William Malone (endocrinologist)
- Lisa Marchiano (social work)
- Tracy Shannon {“trans widow”)
- Aydin Paladin
- Helen Pluckrose (media critic)
- Helen Roy
- Debra Soh (psychology)
- Kathleen Stock (philosophy)
- Kenneth Zucker (psychology)
- Karleen Gribble/DRKarleenG
- Katherine Deves (lawyer and politician)
- Joshua Mitchell (political theorist)
- James Lindsay (cultural critic)
- Emma Hilton (biologist)
- Amy Sousa (therapist)
- Helen Joyce (author)
- Candice Jackson (lawyer and Trump official)
- Milli Hill (author)
- Meghan Daum (author)
- Belinda Brown (anthropology)
- Stella O’Malley (therapist)
- Colin Wright (biology)
- Abigail Shrier (lawyer and cultural critic)
- Isabella Malbin (birth coach)
- Natasha Ybarra-Klor (writer)
- Sarah Haider (writer and activist)
- Jennifer Lahl (nurse)
- Tomas Bogardus
- Sinead & Helena
- Skylar & Joy
- Daniel Stange
- Mars
- Alex Kaschuta
- Emily
- “A Woman”
- Ash and Raphael
Sex-segregated sports
- Linda Blade (coach)
- Beth Stelzer (powerlifter)
Masculinity/men’s rights, etc.
- Greg Ellis (activist)
- Logan McCree (Philip Tanzer)
- Bo Winegard (psychologist/men’s rights)
- Jonathan Pageau (religious activist)
- Jack Murphy (activist)
See also
Substack (
- benjaminaboyce
- Calmversations
YouTube (