Adam Kish, aka “Adam Friended” and “Adam Strange,” is an American artist and anti-transgender activist who collaborates with Jesse Singal in attacks on gender affirming healthcare for minors.
Adam Christopher Kish was born June 16, 1969 and attended California State University, Long Beach.
At 16 Kish met composer Danny Elfman, who hired Kish as an illustrator and animator for Elfman’s band Oingo Boingo. Kish has work as an illustrator ever since.
Kish has produced films and screenplays, including:
- D=RxT (“D equals R times T” or “Destiny = Rate X Time”)
- The Judas Event
- The Threeway
Kish is married to Jessica Strange, aka Jessica Ruth Curry.
Anti-trans activism
Kish promotes many anti-trans authors, including Abigail Shrier, Ben Shapiro, Jonathan Haidt, David Buss, Douglas Murray, Peter Boghossian, James Lindsay, Wilfred Reilly, Nicholas A. Christakis, Peter Thiel, Greg Lukianoff, Jordan B. Peterson, Steven Pinker, and Richard Dawkins.
Kish produces streaming content with anti-trans activist “PSA Sitch.”
Sitch & Adam Show (Jun 28, 2022). Talking to Jesse Singal, Debating Jan 6th Hearing and Superchats for 197.
Kish, Adam (2018). Reading list (books).
Adam Strange (
Adam Friended (
Ad Revamp ( [archive]
Judas Event ( [archive]
Deadline Junkies (
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- Supervillains Anonymous
- [pre-campaign, deleted]