Fight the New Drug is an American anti-pornography organization.
The group was founded in 2009 by four Mormon college students. Campaigns include Truth About Porn, the Porn Kills Love (#PornKillsLove) project, Consider Before Consuming, and the documentary Brain, Heart, World.
Their claims about the effects of pornography, especially their claims that it is similar to a drug that causes addiction, have been disputed by mental health and sexuality professionals.
- Cam Lee
- Clay Olsen
- Ryan Werner
- Beau Lewis
- Clay Olsen, Executive Director
- Rachel Denton, Director Of Nonprofit Development
- Doug Osmond, Director of Marketing
- Jasmine Niño Petersen, Editorial Director
- Keri Casey, Art Director
- Scott Aneloski, Art Director
- Jordan Gough, Videographer
- James Boley, Resource Manager
- Venice Jardine, Presenter/Podcast Developer
- Garrett Jonsson, Presenter/Communications Manager
- Parker Hymas, Presenter/Communications Manager
Associated people and organizations
- Ernie Allen
- Cordelia Anderson
- Taina Bien-Aimé
- Freda Bush
- Karen Countryman-Roswurm
- Gail Dines
- Melissa Farley
- John Foubert
- Jillian Gilchrest
- Donald Hilton
- Donna M. Hughes
- Mahri Irvine
- Simone Kühn
- Bill O’Hanlon
- Heidi Olson
- Jill Manning
- Misa Nguyen
- Susan Norris
- Joseph Prud’homme
- Bri Ray
- Valiant Richey
- Ed Smart
- Jay Stringer
- William Struthers
- Philip Zimbardo
Fight The New Drug (
- Truth About Porn (
- Vimeo: truthaboutporn
- YouTube: FightTheNewDrug
- Twitter: FightTheNewDrug
- Instagram: fightthenewdrug