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Parents of ROGD Kids vs. transgender people

Parents of ROGD Kids (PROGDK) is an anti-transgender front group for unsupportive parents of trans and gender-diverse children. It promotes the controversial concept “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD).

Using tactics developed by anti-abortion activists, the group organizes clinic protests at children’s hospitals that support gender diverse youth.


PROGDK was created in the fall of 2017. Their primary goal is to support the work of four anti-transgender psychologists:

They maintain a private online support group.

2023 “ROGD” paper

In 2023, the Archives of Sexual Behavior published the latest in its 50 years of academic attacks on trans and gender diverse youth. The first author is “Suzanna Diaz,” a fake name used by someone connected with PROGDK. The second author is transphobic psychologist J. Michael Bailey.

The International Academy of Sex Research (IASR) opened an investigation into how the “Diaz”/Bailey paper was published. IASR President Meredith Chivers announced the investigation, angering Bailey, who was her dissertation advisor.

The journal’s publisher, Springer, added a note to the article:

10 May 2023 Publisher’s Note: readers are alerted that concerns have been raised regarding methodology as described in this article. The publisher is currently investigating this matter and a further response will follow the conclusion of this investigation.

Fired sexologist Kenneth Zucker, Archives‘ longtime editor, was defended by anti-trans organization Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism in an open letter.


McCall, Becky (September 13, 2018). ‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’ in Adolescents Stirs Debate. Medscape [archive: 123]

Parents of ROGD Kids (September 19, 2018). Parents of ROGD Kids Organization Supports Dr. Littman’s Findings and Calls for Action

Littman, Lisa (August 16, 2018). Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports. PLOS One


Joey Brite and Erin Brewer (September 21, 2020). Can I Get a Witness conference.


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