Maia Abbruzzese aka “Maia Poet” and “thepeacepoet99” is an American ex-transgender activist. Following a social transition as an adult, Abbruzzese claims to have “desisted” from a trans identity without taking any medical or legal transition steps.
Abbruzzese gets money and attention by making it harder for other trans people to get support and care.
Anti-trans extremism is the family business: Abbruzzese’s parent Evgenia Abbruzzese is a founder of SPLC-designated anti-trans hate group Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine.
Maia Abbruzzese was born prematurely at 32 weeks in 1999, weighing under 3 pounds, which caused many “odd developmental problems.” Abbruzzese grew up in Portland, Oregon with younger sibling Daniil. Abbruzzese’s birth parent Zhenya Abbruzzese is from a Jewish family and grew up in Soviet Russia. Evgenia M. “Zhenya” Abbruzzese is also a founder of SPLC-designated anti-trans hate group Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. Maia’s other parent is Eric Louis Abbruzzese (born 1969).
Abbruzzese reportedly attended six different schools. Abbruzzese attended Saint Mary’s Academy until 2015, then graduated from Lincoln High School in 2017.
Abbruzzese participated in slam poetry and debate competitions in high school. In 2016, Abbruzzese attended the Youth Speaks annual Brave New Voices poetry slam in Washington, DC.
A 2016 TEDx Youth Portland profile shows Abbruzzese in a dress and includes a self-submitted bio:
Maia is a 17 year old senior at Lincoln High School. She is best described as a Russian-Jewish-Italian-American, fast-talking, harmonica-playing, Communist Manifesto carrying idealist. When not doodling Communist propaganda in the margins of her class notes, Maia can be found coaching and competing in Speech and Debate, performing slam poetry and engaging in grassroots political organizing. In the future, Maia would like to help parents understand their neurodivergent children with conditions like autism, ADHD and dyslexia, so that each kid, no matter how their brain processes information, can thrive in the world.
Abbruzzese is reportedly disabled due to a learning disability related to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Abbruzzese started medication for ADHD at age 14. In 2017, Abbruzzese got an honorable mention in the Fred J. Epstein Youth Achievement Award Honors for Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities:
An outspoken and charismatic community advocate and political activist, Maia’s ADHD has served to channel her many gifts and talents. The 17-year-old’s passion for public speaking and debate propelled her to a #2 ranking for public speaking in her home state, where she has competed in more than 90 tournaments. Through public speaking, Maia has raised awareness for economic and racial injustice, mental health issues, gun control, criminal justice reform, and people with disabilities.
At the 2017 Oregon State Speech & Debate Championship, Abbruzzese was state champion in Oratory and a semifinalist in After Dinner Speaking. Abbruzzese was named North Oregon District Student of the Year.
Abbruzzese then attended University of Oregon. Abbruzzese served as a judge at the 2019 Robert D. Clark Invitational speech contest.
Anti-trans activism
Abbruzzese claims to have come out as trans at age 12 in 2012, which went “horribly.” Abbruzzese’s parents were not affirming. Abbruzzese spent a lot of time as a child focused on medical literature, including pituitary issues and human height. Abbruzzese’s first gynephilic crush felt like a medical problem, which led to information on gender transition.
“I saw medical transition as a way for people to stop giving me shit about the fact that I wanted to wear vests and bow ties.”
Abbruzzese became fixated on Ellen Degeneres’s gender nonconforming clothing style and presentation. Because Abbruzzese’s parents would not support masculine clothing choices, Abbruzzese began making bow ties by hand to wear. Abbruzzese began wearing masculine clothes, later adding a binder. Abbruzzese considers this a pathway to medical transition.
Abbruzzese made a social transition in college but was financially dependent on unsupportive parents. Abbruzzese held pro-Palestinian views, which had led to an 11-day tour of Israel with a romantic partner that they extended a few days. After a Palestinian cafe owner assumed Abbruzzese was a man, Abbruzzese decided that transition was possible in the Mideast and remained there illegally, working in cash-only jobs. Abbruzzese eventually became an Israeli citizen, and shortly after attended an anti-trans conference held by anti-trans hate group Genspect. Abbruzzese met several ex-trans activists, including several who had similar backgrounds and sexualities.
In May 2021, Abbruzzese had to evacuate to an Israeli bomb shelter, which had a profound impact mentally. Abbruzzese’s online activity was soon algorithmically shifted to right-wing pro-Israel content.
In 2021, Abbruzzese saw a video by ex-trans activist Elle Palmer that convinced Abbruzzese to desist after taking no legal or medical transition steps.
In 2023, Abbruzzese began posting “rage bait” for engagement on anti-transgender platforms, particularly X/Twitter.
Abbruzzese hosts The Reappearing Lesbian Podcast.
Abbruzzese, Maia (August 14, 2024). The day I realised I’m gay not trans. The Jewish Chronicle
Tabroom (2019). Robert D Clark Invitational at the University of Oregon 2019 — Eugene, OR/US.
University of Oregon LGBTQIA+ Scholars Academic Residential Community (2018). Queer Genealogies.
Lewisohn, Daniel (May 30, 2017). Debate transforms senior’s life: Maia Abbruzzese. The Cardinal Times
Livingstone, Tessa (May 9, 2017). Verselandia 2017 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.
Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities (May 1, 2017). 2017 Fred J. Epstein Youth Achievement Award Honorees.
Ramachandran, Sagarika (October 5, 2016). New class offers alternate perspective. The Cardinal Times
Barnes, Bethany (September 9, 2016). Portland Public Schools ordered lockout as Lincoln High protesters headed to Benson. The Oregonian
Smith, LaVendrick (July 15, 2016). In tumultuous world, poetry and spoken words help youth find their voice. Washington Post
LHS Speech & Debate Team (2011ff.) Current tournament results.
Alex Novell (November 30, 2024). I tricked Josh Seiter into an interview with The Daily Wire.–pS52J804 original url (removed by YouTube)
The Distance Mag (November 12, 2024). Maia Poet On The ‘Gendered Soul’ And The Invention Of the ‘Trans Child’.
Laura Becker (November 4, 2024). Ex Transgender Shares Shocking Story of Surviving Hamas and DEtransitioning.
Andrew Gold (Oct 21, 2024). WOW! The Most INSANE DeTrans Story I’ve Ever Heard – DeTransitioner Maia Poet.
Sasha White (September 30, 2024). Living Through War Changed my Mind about Being Trans | Maia Poet.
Gender: A Wider Lens (September 10, 2024). Running from Rockets and Walking Toward Womanhood, with Maia Poet | Episode 183.
Chloe Cole (August 28, 2024). Detransition: Surviving War-torn Israel and Escaping Gender Ideology | Maia Poet.
Awake Illinois (August 20, 2024). Awake Illinois “Protect the Kids” Livestream Ep. 12 with Natalya Murakhver and Maia Poet.
Rita Panahi (August 13, 2024). Detransitioner Maia Poet breaks down the ‘ideology’ around gender medicine.
Truthful Transsexual (August 6, 2024). Detrans stories: A conversation with Maia Poet.
Mel Jean and K / It is MA’AM! (July 25, 2024). Ep.042 Maia Poet and the Impracticalities of being “Trans” in a War Zone.
Restore Childhood (July 21, 2024). Detransitioner on Seeds of Doubt: “I never allowed myself to just be a Lesbian.”
Stephanie Winn (June 17, 2024). 114. Breast-Binding in a Bomb Shelter? Maia Poet on Surviving War in the Middle East and Within.
Elle Palmer (June 11, 2024). Debunking Trans Lies: A Detransitioner’s Perspective.
Awake Illinois (June 21, 2024). Protect the Kids, Ep. 11 with Detransitioner Maia Poet.
Benjamin Boyce (May 27, 2024). Trans Man in a Trad Land | A Detrans Story, with Maia.
Elle Palmer (May 26, 2024). Transgender Identities Only Cause More Problems (ft. @MaiaPoet).
Ray Alex Williams (May 17, 2024). Detransition, Gender Ideology, and Philosophy | A Conversation with Maia Poet.
Buck Angel (April 30, 2024). Are Lesbians Feeling Pressured To Be Trans?
July R. Carlan / “Shape Shifter” (April 29, 2024). Israeli American Detransitioner/ Desister Share Their Story [deleted]
Steve Colley (January 25, 2014). Maia Abbruzzese.
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