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Geoffrey Miller vs. transgender people

Geoffrey Miller is an American evolutionary psychologist who holds a number of fringe views that are sex segregationist and anti-transgender.

Anti-transgender activism is a family business; Miller’s spouse Diana Fleischman is also an anti-trans activist.


Geoffrey Franklin Miller was born on April 23, 1965 inĀ Cincinnati, Ohio. After earning a bachelor’s degree in biology and psychology from Columbia University in 1987, Miller earned a doctorate in cognitive psychology from Stanford University in 1994. Miller took a position at University of New Mexico in 2001 and has written a number of books:

  • The Mating MindĀ (2001)
  • Mating IntelligenceĀ (2008)
  • SpentĀ (2009)
  • MateĀ (2015)

Miller and Diana Fleischman married in 2019 and have one child.

Anti-trans activism

Miller is a proponent of “autogynephilia.”

Miller hosts the Mating Grounds podcast.


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