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Critical Therapy Antidote vs. transgender people

Critical Therapy Antidote is an organization devoted to anti-progressive mental health therapy as it relates to race and gender.

Officers are Valerie Jean Thomas and Carole Sherwood.

They recommend a number of anti-trans organizations and practitioners.

Recommendations include:

  • The International Association of Psychology and Counseling 
  • New Discourses by James Lindsay
  • Areo by Helen Pluckrose
  • Counterweight by Helen Pluckrose
  • Heterodox Academy by Jonathan Haidt and Nicholas Quin Rosenkranz
  • Heather Brunskell-Evans on the Tavistock at Savage Minds
  • Outbreak: On Transgender Teens and Psychic Epidemics by Lisa Marchiano
  • The Politicisation of Clinical Psychology Training in the UK by Carole Sherwood and Kirsty Miller
  • Anti-whiteness essay by Aaron Kindsvatter
  • Society for Open Inquiry in Behavioral Science
  • The Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine 
  • Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics
  • Male Psychology and John Barry
  • BPS Watch (crticis of the British Psychological Society)
  • Essay on South African diversity by Angelo Vincenzo De Boni
  • Dennis Relojo-Howell interview with Gad Saad
  • The Free Speech Union and Carrie Clark
  • Theory of Enchantment by Chloé Valdary
  • Foundation for Individual Rights in Education 
  • Batya Ungar-Sargon in Forward
  • Don’t Divide Us with Carole Sherwood
  • Do No Harm 
  • Critical Thinking Mental Health Professionals (Facebook group)
  • Persuasion by Yasha Mounk and many anti-trans advisors
  • The Equiano Project by Inaya Folarin Iman
  • Gender: A Wider Lens by Stella O’Malley and Sasha Ayad


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