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Anastassis Spiliadis vs. transgender people

Anastassis Spiliadis is a Greek anti-transgender psychologist who supports the “ex-transgender” movement and promotes a form of delayed transition for gender diverse youth called “gender exploratory therapy.”

Anastassis Spiliadis’ name is sometimes styled Anastasios Spiliadis and is Αναστάσης Σπηλιάδης in Greek.


Spiliadis was born in July 1987. After earning a bachelor’s degree from National University of Athens (NKUA/Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών), Spiliadis earned master’s degrees from Kings College London, Westminster University, and Imperial College London.

Spiliadis has held a number of roles within the UK’s National Health Service. Spiliadis has worked at the Maudsley Centre for Child & Adolescent Eating Disorders (MCCAED).

Spiliadis also worked for four years at the infamous Tavistock Centre Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS).

Anti-trans activism

Spiliadis supports the disputed diagnosis “rapid onset gender dysphoria” and urged for more research in the anti-trans publication Archives of Sexual Behavior. That journal’s stated goal since its founding has been “the prevention of transsexualism.”

Spiliadis is a founding member of “ex-trans” organizations International Association of Therapists for Desisters and Detransitioners, and the Institute for Comprehensive Gender Dysphoria Research. Spiliadis is also associated with the website Detrans Foundation.

Spiliadis is a member of the Institute of Mental Health for Children and Adults in Athens, Greece. Spiliadis is based in London and in Athens.


United Nations Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity – IESOGI. Report on Conversion Therapy.

Hutchinson A, Migden M, Spiliadis A (2020). In Support of Research Into Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2020 Jan;49(1):79-80.

Spiliadis A (2019). Towards a Gender Exploratory Model: slowing things down, opening things up and exploring identity development. Metalogos (35).

Ashley F (2022). Interrogating Gender-Exploratory Therapy. Perspectives on Psychological Science, Volume 18, Issue 2


ICF Consultations (

  • ICF = Individual, Couple, Family

Detrans Foundation (

International Association of Therapists for Desisters and Detransitioners (

  • Anastassis Spiliadis
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