Terry Patterson is a British student counsellor and anti-transgender activist.
Patterson is affiliated with anti-trans groups Gender Exploratory Therapy Association and Thoughtful Therapists.
Patterson has worked in several university counselling services since qualifying in 1995, including King’s College London, University of Westminster, University of Sunderland, Queen Mary University of London and the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Patterson has been an editor and contributor to the publication Psychodynamic Practice.
Patterson T (2017). Unconscious homophobia and the rise of the transgender movement. Psychodynamic Practice Volume 24, 2018 Pages 56-59 https://doi.org/10.1080/14753634.2017.1400740
HE Counselling Supervision (hecounsellingsupervision.co.uk)
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Thoughtful Therapists (thoughtfultherapists.org)