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Karin Nadrowski vs. transgender people

Karin Nadrowski is a clinical physician in psychiatry, ecologist, and anti-transgender activist, Nadrowski is associated with anti-trans group Therapy First, signed the anti-trans WHO Decides petition, and is part of the ex-trans movement.


Nadrowski earned a doctorate in ecology and a medical degree. Nadrowski stated an intent in 2024 “to become a psychiatrist and psychodynamic psychotherapist.”

Nadrowski has identified as gender nonconforming and at times has used the name Kjell Nadrowski.

Nadrowski also identifies as a “desister,” a term usually used by ex-trans activists to describe people who stopped a gender transition prior to medical steps.

Nadrowski serves on the board of lesbian organization Rad und Tat (RuT) in Berlin. 

2024 Therapy First event

Living in an oversexed world, being bombarded by the media with sex and nudity, makes us numb, lets our desire vanish. We observe declining engagement in sexual activity, but also a gradual desexualisation of therapy, including psychoanalysis, as well as medical classification systems.

In this webinar we will discuss how this applies to gender dysphoria. Internet pornography, often accessed already far before puberty, distorts the sexual knowledge of youth. It aggravates sexual stereotypes, portraying males as aggressors and women as passive and degraded. It alienates both girls and boys from their phantasies of female or male sexuality and gender expression. This needs to be talked about in therapy.

At the same time, sex is disappearing from our diagnostic classification systems. For example, in the transition from ICD-10 to ICD-11 we observe the omission of chapter F66 (Disorders associated with sexual development and orientation). Additionally, we observe a reluctance to talk or research about autogynephilia in the etiology of gender dysphoria in boys and men.

From a psychodynamic perspective, both the appearance of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) and the eagerness of the medical system to accept the “born in a wrong body“ narrative have been suggested to represent new forms of hysteria. We will discuss how this framing might inform our approach to discussing dysphoria and reintegrating sexuality into therapy.

Nadrowski (2024)


Nadrowski K (2023). A New Flight from Womanhood? The Importance of Working Through Experiences Related to Exposure to Pornographic Content in Girls Affected by Gender Dysphoria. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy50(3), 293–302.

Nadrowski, Karin (April 8, 2024). Webinar: Pornography and the Flight from Sexuality from a Psychodynamic Perspective. Therapy First

Reed, Erin (May 15, 2024). Opinion: No, Dr. Cass, Porn Will Not Make You Trans. Erin in the Morning


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