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Alliance Defending Freedom vs. transgender people

Alliance Defending Freedom is a conservative Christian legal organization that supports and defends many opponents of transgender rights.

Anti-transgender activism

Trans athletes

  • ADF has worked with the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) to use ACP’s medical misinformation as evidence in legal procedings and in public policy.
  • ADF collaborated with ACP on drafting state legislation to ban transgender athletes. ADF’s lawsuit in Connecticut failed.
  • The child of ADF’s general counsel made filings against Arizona transgender athletes.

Misgendering/deadnaming cases

  • Represented a teacher who refused to use accurate pronouns and names of transgender students.
  • Represented a college professor who refused to use students’ accurate pronouns, against policies supporting student rights to a discrimination-free learning environment.

Youth healthcare

  • Misinformed the Ohio legislature about gender affirming care for youth


Staff report (April 25, 2021). Judge tosses suit that sought to block transgender athletes. AP


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