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Paying for gender transition: Your four options

I’m sure that you, like me, have a discrepancy between your dreams and reality. That doesn’t mean your situation is hopeless. It just means you have to modify some variables in the equation above to make your goals.

Here’s a simple one-question quiz:

How can you reach your transition goals? (choose several)

  1. Modify your income
  2. Modify your spending/saving
  3. Modify your time frame
  4. Modify your dreams (only as a last resort)

I recommend you modify each of the first three, but if you will not, you will have to do greater modification on the one(s) you are willing to change. Simple as that. There’s your reality check.

Your entire transition boils down to the above question, no matter who you are. Those are your only four options.

Turning your dreams into goals

We have specific numbers on exactly where you are. Now we are going to slowly refine and specify exactly what needs to be done to meet your goals. We will start general, and then get more and more specific.

I have a simple equation for you to memorize:

Dreams + Reality = Goals

Example: I dream of getting SRS with Toby Meltzer in 36 months for $12,000. However, in reality, I have no savings. That means my goal is to save $333.33 a month, not figuring in interest or inflation.

That’s what it all boils down to. Simple, eh?

Use the pages on saving and investing and loans and credit to play around with different ways to do it. If you’ve researched right, the amount you need won’t change, so you will probably be adjusting the time frame and the monthly goal.

The next four pages examine your options to reach your goal:

  1. Modify your income
  2. Modify your spending/saving
  3. Modify your time frame
  4. Modify your dreams (only as a last resort)

Next: Modify your income

Disclaimer: This is financial talk, not financial advice. Some of this may not apply to you. It is presented without warranty. It may contain errors or omissions. You must do your own research.