This site has been one of my great life projects. I made it so that young people and adults will know the all the choices they have.
I can still answer all questions I get because readers like you search the site before writing.
I can’t answer questions on
- Local doctors, therapists, groups, etc.
- Local people for friendship or romance
- What it “feels like” to transition
- Personal things about me
- Legal things
- Insurance things
- Most medical things
- Hormones and effects
I will do my best to answer questions
- From young people
- About hair removal
- About facial gender confirmation surgery
- About paying for transition and setting goals
- About work transition and employment
I will also respond to all suggestions, praise and constructive criticism. Don’t be shy in sending these along!
- Use a short but specific subject line (not “Hi” or “Question”).
- Be as specific as possible. Vague questions take longer to answer.
- If you are 13 or over, you may email me at: jokestress@gmail.com I cannot answer questions from people ages 12 and under. If you are that age, please have your parents contact me instead.
- Be patient! I get a lot of messages and answer them all, so it might be a while.
Support this site!
If this site was helpful, please help me continue this work!
PayPal: deepstealth
Patreon: andreajames
Amazon: Andrea James wishlist
Venmo: @Andrea-James-26
Mail: Andrea James, 5419 Hollywood Blvd. C142, Los Angeles, CA 90027